Movie Part 1: Secret of the Omnitrix

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A/N: It's happening, WOOOO! Also, this isn't an official intro, this is just something I watched a lot as a kid. So enjoy the anime opening...

A/N: I've recently found out that this movie has 3 different opening. When I first saw this movie, I saw the EyeGuy opening. Just a fun fact....this one is the Heatblast opening though-

"You ready?"
"I feel like I haven't worn my hero suit in a couple of chapters. It feels weird having it on now."
"......But, are you ready?"

Ben (who was Heatblast) busts down the door, "Took them long enough..." Gwen sighs. "Ok, Animo, science class is canceled." Ben says, I ball my fist up and glow F/C "Fools! In less than a minute, the world will get a lesson it will never forget! In the meantime, meet my latest creation." Animo cackles as a bug monster flies above us.

"Bring it on!" I shout "I'll barbecue that bug." Ben says before shooting his flames at containers. They all explode rapidly, "Oh yeah! Being a hero rocks!" Ben cheers as smoke and flames cover the bug monster. The bug monster flies out of the flames with a loud screech, it flies right towards us. I surround Ben and myself with a F/C hue.

We teleport behind the bug monster, I levitate us into the air. Ben shoots out fires shaped like disks at the bug monster. Again, it had no effect. I teleport us out of the bug monster's way, it crashes into the ceiling. Ben throws a ball of fire, but misses "Good try." I hum, giving Ben a thumbs up. He rubs his neck as the flames on his head turn to a darker orange...

"Hey! Hothead! Nutjob!"

We both turn toward Gwen and Max, "DNA bomb ticking down over here, remember?" Gwen asks. Ben's flames go back to normal as we run over to them. Ben shoots flames at the chains, causing Max and Gwen to fall, Gwen screams out loudly. I was about to levitate them to safety, but Max had beat me to it. He catches Gwen and uses a grappling hook, they both safely land on the ground.

Ben and I run over to Animo and the bomb "Even you can't generate enough heat to melt that casing!" He cackles, Ben and I share a look "If I can't shut it down, I'll just have to turn it up." Ben says before shooting his flames. I stare at him nervously, hesitating. Ben gives me a confident look, "Ben, you guys don't know what that's going to do." Gwen says seriously as Ben's flames shift to a F/C glow. I place a hand on his arm nervously "She's right..." I sigh, adjusting my glasses.

"Can't be any worse than what's going to happen if we don't." Ben says seriously, puff of smoke come out of the bomb "NO! You're overloading the system!" Animo screams at us before running away "That's the idea." Ben says. The countdown stops at 3-showing an error message. I stop making Ben F/C and he stops shooting out his flames. I sigh tiredly, Ben looks down at me before flashing a smile and giving me a thumbs up.

An alarm goes for and red lights flash. The bombs shoots out waves before completely exploding. Ben and I get thrown back, I put up a force field around me and Ben. Ben turns back into himself, my eyes widen when my force field cracks a little... "What the..." I mumble, squinting at the crack. Ben ground and rubs his head, "You may have ruined my plan today, Tennysons, but there's always tomorrow!" Animo shouts, flying off on his bug monster.

A/N: Fun fact, Animo doesn't know Y/N's last name. He only knows Ben' when he says Tennysons, he means Ben and Y/N. Which I mean, might as well start calling Y/N a Tennyson at this point considering that-

I help Ben up, I shoot him worried look. He only cracks a wide grin, "Ben, Y/N. Are you ok?" Max asks. I nod, "Yeah, good thing I was Heatblast and Y/N used her force field, cuz that DNA wave would have scrambled us." Ben states. I flinch when the watch beeps and glows a painfully bright yellow. We all look down at it "What's up with the watch?" Gwen asks. Ben studies it "I don't know." He says, the watch flashes yellow a few times before finally turning green "That fast?" I mumble.

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