Episode 3: The Krakken

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I smile, shielding my face from the splash "L.J. scores?" Ben ask turning to me. I hum before grinning "Perfect 10!" I cheer with my announcer voice. "Yeah! The crowd loves him!" Ben cheers.

Gwen walks up behind me "A perfect dweeb is more like it." She sighs "Oh hey Gwenie." I say. She rolls her eyes at the nickname I gave her a few days ago "Come on. Dive in." Ben says.

"Please. Who knows what nasty slimy things are slithering around in there?" Gwen asks, shining the light on Ben. He shoots her a glare "I rest my case." Gwen snickers before looking down at me "Why aren't you getting in the water?" She asks. "Never learn how to swim," I say with a shrug "The swim teacher said I had a severe fear of drowning." Gwen raises an eyebrow.

Ben splashes Gwen with water, causing her to scream "Knock it off, midget!" She growls, storming off

I laugh a little, swinging my feet on the dock. I look up at Ben to see him grinning mischievously at me, I look at him confused. Ben only winks before he panicking "Hey! What happen—" Ben acts like something was pulling him the water. I catch on quick and start playing along "Gwen! Gwen! Something pulled Benji under!" I scream, Gwen runs back over to us.

She looks down at the water "If this is prank, this isn't funny!" Gwen shouts at the water, shooting me a look. I look down at the water in concern....Ben can hold his breath...the bubbles are a part of the prank....

I let out a shaky sigh, making Gwen look down nervously "Ben?" She asks. Something big and green leaps out of the water, Gwen screams and yanks me back. I sigh a sigh of relief when Gwen shines the light on Ben. It was just Fourarms.

"Ben?" Gwen asks angrily "You should've seen the look on your face! Ah, priceless!" Ben laughs. Gwen shoots me a scolding look and I giggle proudly. "You two are so busted when I tell Grandpa." Gwen huffs "Aw man." I pout, crossing my arms as Ben laughs "I can't believe she fell for it! A monster in the lake. How dumb can you be?" Ben laughs. "I mean, I would too if my cousin could turn into aliens." I say with a shrug.

Something bubbles in the water behind Ben before a lake monster leaps out of the water and grabs my ankle "Oh please no-" I whimper, getting yanked into the lake.


I teleport out of the lake monster's grip before I went to deep into the water. Ben turns to me as I appear beside him "Are you ok?" Ben asks. I curl into a ball in nod "Yep!" I squeak.

The lake monster grabs Ben this time and I turn and run off to the Rust Bucket.

"Benji's getting attacked by a lake monster!" I pant, opening the Rust Bucket door. Gwen rolls her eyes and chucks a pillow at me "Tell Ben that he already did this prank!" She scoffs "I'm serious! Why do you think my clothes are so wet?!" I ask. Max studies me before sighing "You know you don't have to do everything Ben wants, right?"

I sigh before Ben walks up behind me. I look at him in concern as he pants "I was just attacked by a giant lake monster." He states, looking around. Gwen rolls her eyes "Y/N, give me my pillow back." She states. I hand it to her-only for Gwen to proceed to throw it at Ben. "Hello current events, you already got me with that one." Gwen sighs.

"But we're not kidding this time!" I say as Gwen turns over on her makeshift bed. Ben and I had already called dibs on the actual bunks. Although to quote Gwen "I'm just waiting for you two to become a thing so you'll share a bunk and I'll get a bunk all to myself!"

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