Chapter 5: The contract

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Salim Sultan's POV

I was curious and impatient to meet the women who had the guts to slap my Vazir and call me Coward. Even though it was not required, I decided to accompany the Vazir while he "teaches" her a lesson. However, I was doubtful.

As soon as we reached the streets, Vazir pointed out her house. It was a small house attached to a vast land. I was told that her father was a landlord and earned through farming.

Soon we were surrounded by curious neighbours and seemingly relatives of the girl. I saw a middle-aged couple crying inconsolably.

"Please pardon my daughter. She is foolish to have insulted you." Begged the lady as she attempted to kiss my hand.

"Your daughter is meant to die a painful death" laughed Vazir. And I felt disgusted. Why did my father hire a man as cruel as him? Suddenly I got goosebumps. Were the other women in my harem treated in the same way?

"Please Your Highness, spare my daughter." Cried the man. He seemed to be her father. Before I could reply, I heard the wooden door open with a bang.

"Mother, father, no need to beg these barbarians! " she shouted.

And I looked at her. Though she did not possess a moon-like face or grace of a lady, she had eyes to kill for. There was a certain gleam in her eyes and her expressions were murderous.

She suddenly looked at me, scanning me as if trying to figure out my identity.

"Hey, you! Are you the Sultan?" She Shouted.

"This is how you talk to the Ruler of the nation?" Shouted the Vazir as he ran in her direction. Probably intending to slap her.

"Come close to me, I will break your bones!" She Shouted and the Vazir suddenly stopped. Shocked by such audacity.

"Soldiers capture that little devil!" He Shouted!

The soldiers captured her, despite the helpless protests of her parents and presented her to us.

"Oh! Who are you?" She looked at me with a hateful expression.

"Bow before him!" Shouted Vazir.

"Why? Is he Some kind of Sultan?" She asked.

"Why can't I be sultan?" I asked her. For some reason, she seemed to detest the idea of me being a sultan.

"Well, I know that the Sultan is a short fat man with a huge belly and his eye towards beautiful girls. You seem to belong to a nice family." She said. Unfortunately, despite my anger; she was right. She was describing my father. Unknown to the fact that I had now taken over the throne, unofficially.

I noticed that she had shut up after looking at her father. Perhaps he motioned her to be quiet. Telling her that I was, indeed a Sultan.

I couldn't help myself but smile. She was this innocent fearless lady with no sense of danger. Or perhaps was a wild rebel.

"I refuse to give you permission to take me away from my family." She folded her hands and looked away, breaking the eye contact.

I laughed to myself. Here I was. With an army of soldiers. The most powerful man of the Sultanate. And there she was. Without any support. Totally at my mercy. And yet she didn't wish to acknowledge the fact that she was in a dangerous situation.

"What if I don't allow you freedom!" I asked her. Trying to hide my smile.

"Oh, then please execute me. I do not
Wish to be a your sexual object." She spoke without any hesitation.

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