Chapter 41 Valide Sultan

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I am sorry people for my irregular updates. But I am stuck in between the renovation in my home and my work! I intend to finish this story asap but things just come my way. And sometimes I go blank. Hopefully today I have got some time to write and there won't be any other work. Wish me luck!

Serena's POV

"Your majesty, we wish to know how can we assist you and what exactly has been expected from us." said a newly appointed minister very clearly and humbly.

Ever since Ali was appointed as the Vizar, he changed the ministers who were young and accomplished. Some were the established army heroes and some were known far and wide for their intelligence and art.

"Okay. So we have around 20 empty forts. I want 10 forts for the accommodation of women and 9 forts for the accommodation of men. The largest fort shall be used for the accommodation for the livestock. So I want an army of eunuchs who would guard our 10 forts belonging to the women. The male army can guard and administer the forts belonging to the male."

I saw the faces of the ministers and I could make out that my idea was making sense to them.

"I want a dedicated team of the army to supply food and water to these forts at least 5 times for two fortnights. I want the employees to go to every village and make an announcement that every villager is supposed to get accommodated to the nearest fort within next 5 days. Because we do not take responsibility for their lives if they do not reach by the time flood comes into life! Also, dispatch the messengers to our allies that we are in need for the food grains and we are ready to pay the reasonable rates." I said.

"I want all of your to take half of your salary for this month. The whole month is going to be harsh. We are waging a war and saving the kingdom! It will take a toll on our treasury. The palace too shall cut the costs. I want all the useless rooms. the palace to be shut down for a month. No expenses will be made on clothing, alcohol or jewellery. No parties shall be hosted. Only cost we, as the palace can incur is for the food for our army, servants and the royal members!" I said

"But what about the parties that our Godmother (Sultan's mother) is planning to throw for the royal household ladies?" asked one of the new ministers. I smiled at Ali. He had made good recuritments.

"She would cancel it!" boomed a voice. It was our kingdom's mother ie Valide Sultan. Usually, women were banned from the court. Except for Valide Sultan. So her entry into the court was nothing new. My being in court was a huge historical exception.

"I agree with lady Serena. It's time to cut the expenses and fight the crises." she said.

After the whole court was adjourned, I went to Valide Sultan to thank her for demonstrating support.

"I wanted you to be Sultan's lover. I never wanted him to bestow any women a legal marital status. You are and have always been a threat to my position. My power and my influence. But he wouldn't listen to me. He was clear that he will marry you, have heirs of the throne and don't look at any other women again. I guess I will have to live with the fact that you are his only choice." she sighed with disappointment.

"I do not care a bit about power or influence or prestige. These are useless for me and even you know that." I reminded her.

"I feel that there can never be two swords in one scabbard." She tried to reason.

"Who says that we are swords? We are two powerful women who want to do good for the nation. Tell me something. It took you years to achieve this power. To be the single women in the harem to outlive the politics and be your husband's favourite women right?" I asked her.

"Ofcourse. It was a daily struggle to ensure that my husband would not look at any other women." She confessed.

"Do you want any other women to face the same problems that you had faced when you entered the harem? With my marriage to your son, all the politics of the harem will be over. I shall be the sole women apart from you who would yield power. I have no motive than to do good for people. I won't even care what you do with your life. Hell, I won't even care what Sultan would do with the palace as long as he remains loyal with me! With my entrance, all kinds of corruption and politics (even in the harem) would be stopped." I tried to explain to her.

"Maybe. Maybe you are right. Ever since you have stepped inside the palace, apart from regular sneaking, you have always wished to use your power for the well-being of the people! Besides I loved it how you turned the women into nuns or freed from the clutches of the harem. I wish I could have done the same! My whole life went into establishing my position while the other women became irrelevant." She sighed.

"So now are you alright with me as your bride?" I asked her.

"I am. I value my son's happiness above all. Besides I respect you. It's good to have someone who can create the palace into a peaceful home!" She smiled, patted my back and went to her chambers.

I grinned. It was time to work! I ensured that I would visit all the forts one by one and watch over the administration myself.

While Ali was busy getting my horses and arms prepared, I decided to pen a letter to Sultan so that he can stay updated with my work.

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