Chapter 37: The power to rule!

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Serena's POV

"Hey" I tried to sound as normal as possible. However, my voice trembled.

I again woke up from my not so deep slumber as I heard the flap of the tent opening. This time I was ready to face him.

"Hi." He smiled with warmth radiating in his eyes.

"Guess you have woke up." He spoke up after some time.

"Yes, I did." I looked down as I spoke an uncomfortable lie.

"Hmmm," he grinned. Still not believing my lie. He removed his vest and sat next to me. His muscles and chiselled stomach were displayed to their full glory.

I tried not to ogle him and looked here and there like an idiot.

I heard the sound of his chuckle. And I grew more uncomfortable.

"You can ask me to stop whenever you wish to." He said sincerely and he pulled me on his lap.

I was face to face with him.

"I don't want any barrier between us. No matter how thin or transparent it is." He said referring to the cloth partition we had. However, my mind was floating with the other meanings.

" We didn't kiss properly yesterday. Let me show you how it's done." He waited for a few moments for me to stop him. Again, my mind was in clouds. I didn't stop him.

He held my face between his hands and it kissed me. His lips meeting mine. First, it's slow and sweet. Enchanting. As if I was floating in the air.

And then, it turned into passionate and demanding. Filled with urgency. His arms wrapped me fully. While his lips battled against mine. Again, I had the option to stop it. But I was enjoying the feeling behind it.

As soon as the kiss ended, we both gasped for the air. As I tried to get off from his lap, he pulled me back.

"It's time you actually tell me what is going on in that little head of yours." He said looking into my eyes.

"I like you. " I said.

"Yes I know that." He said in a "know-it-all fashion."

"But I want a simple life." I said.

"I also know that." His tone remained unchanged.

"Isn't there a middle way? I mean where we both can be happy?" I asked him.

"Trust me. Even I don't have any answer to this question of yours." He said, again holding me gently by my waist so I won't slid away from his lap.

"I don't want to get mine and your emotions involved where we do not possess any future together. That is why I was so hesitant about confessing my feelings." I told him.

"I understand your point. Even I have been thinking hard about the solution to this problem." He said as he brushed away the tendril of hair that had touched my cheeks. He tugged it behind my right ear.

Suddenly we heard the sounds of many horses approaching to our direction. I got up from his lap while he clothed himself with his vest.

We both came out of the tent. The horses belonged to the monarchy. One of the soldiers got down and bowed to Sultan.

"Vizar Ali thinks about both of you. He requests Your Majesty and Lady to return and handle the urgent issues that require your attention." He said. Ali was nominated to the position of Vizar of the kingdom after the earlier Vizar was exposed of corruption.

Sultan agreed to return. He postponed his plan to roam around the kingdom in disguise. We both mounted on the horse. Since they had only one horse, Sultan made sure that I share it with him. I sat in front of him while he held leash with his both arms around me. It felt so... close. As if he was embracing me or wrapping his arms around me.

Many times while we travelled, he would stop his horse and ask this soldiers to go ahead. He would then kiss my cheeks softly when no one would look or kiss the nape of my neck while he would whisper how much he loved me in my ears. It was all sweet but I had one concern in my mind. Will I have to sacrifice my freedom for my love?

"Do not think too much. We will figure out what to do once we both reach to the palace. Till then, let's enjoy the time we have together." He assured me when he saw my face covered with the expressions of anxiety.

As soon as we reached to the outskirts of our capital, we saw thousands of peasants playing musical instruments and chanting our names. Earlier I thought that maybe it was some form of rebellion. But now it felt like they were cheering for us. Maybe because we freed them from the slavery and long tradition of ill treatment from the hands of the landlords.

They cheered for our good health. They blessed us for our decisions. They blessed us for our long lives.

"That's what happens when you are in power! You get the power to change the destiny of millions of people in a good way. What's the use of leading a normal life where all you have to do is to be born, toil hard for your family and die a death of anonymity? When you can make a difference and create a history? A positive history! I see you as a potential of being a solid influence in the lives of the people of the most powerful kingdom of the world! If you choose to marry me, promise to give you an unlimited access to the power to do good to our people!" Sultan whispered in my ears while I simply basked into the glory of happiness that seemed to be radiating on the faces of the people who had given us the sacred place in their hearts.

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