Chapter 15:- Mock Courtship

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Heya friends! How are you? Hope you all are going great and are loving the plot of this story. My book is inspired by the Ottoman Empire's period where the women in the harem were subject to many exploitation. Hope you are enjoying the story. Trying to make it more and more interesting with our lead.

Serena's POV

"So?" I asked him.

We both were sitting on a bench, away from the hustle bustle of the women and their potential suitors. I had nothing to talk with him. I was glad that he took my point seriously and decided to free the women. So now I wasn't that angry on him. I cannot call him a complete brute.

"So?" He looked confused. Perhaps he understood the fact that I was no longer eager to continue our conversation.

"I think I should go." I said as I decided to get up. What do you do during these situations? Ask for the Sultan's permission to leave? Or just courtesy and leave? Or don't leave at all and wait for him to leave first? I don't know. It's all stupid courtesy requirements.

"Hey wait. Stay here. What would I do here alone?" He asked simply.

"Ummmm... you can join the meeting. Maybe this time you would end up taking any of those women seriously. And then find yourself a wife." I smiled. Agreed that I had nothing to do inside my chambers. But at least I would be away from him. My job was over. The women were free. I can probably sneak outside the harem, inside the library by taking the name of Osman, the chief guard. Now a days his name has been useful to sneak inside various parts of the palace.

"Well, I think we have established that you are gonna be the Sultana. And I want only one Sultana. So why to look anywhere aimlessly?" He winked and we laughed.

"Agreed. But this Sultana intends to sneak inside your palace's library and go through some really nice books." I told him my plan.

"So you find the books interesting?" He asked. I was surprised that he didn't mind me sneaking inside the Royal library.

"Who doesn't find books interesting?" I replied back.

" how about this? I will make my company more interesting the the books. That way you won't have to leave this place. Is that a deal?" He asked.

"Okay. Let me try that" I wondered what was inside his mind.

"Okay. Hello sir. I am Serena. I have come here to find my ideal husband." He tried to speak in a female like voice. As if imitating me.

"Hello ma'am. I am the Sultan of the entire empire. I am here to find my wife though the prospect of having only one female sounds scary for a powerful emperor like me" I tried to speak in a thick voice, full of power like him.

He chuckled. Knew that I was taunting him.

"Oh. My hobbies are running aimlessly with my brother and slapping the Vazir of the Kingdom. Getting myself as a guest of the palace and ruining the sleep of the sultan." He again tried to imitate me by copying my mannerisms.

I laughed. His mimicry was very accurate. He copied how I twirl my hair when I am happy or put the hands on my hips when I am about to get into an argument.

"Hello lady, I am Sultan. My hobbies are abducting helpless women, getting them trapped in my harem and making them fed up of their lives. So much that they are ready to be nuns and renounce the world." I tried to imitate him.

He looked at me with disappointment. "Hey I released all of them. You cannot call me a complete brute okay?"

Yes. He released the female population. But what about his prisoners? He was still a complete brute. No. I would never ever let him have a satisfaction of doing a noble work. Not until I stay here. I decided to taunt him again .

"You know what lady?! Your bravery is highly unusual. Especially if you wish to be my wife. You see, it's my hobby to execute at-least one person in a day. And I flog people as a part of my breakfast." I spoke up referring to how his prisoners were treated. Everyone knew that the probability of survival of the prisoners were slim if he gets caught. No matter if the crime is of the lowest level.

He was shocked. He must have wondered how did I know the plight of his prisoners? Well everyone in the kingdom knew about it. If he wants to prove to me that he wasn't a complete brute, he better change his policies or else never win my admiration. He was a sultan. He was the most powerful man of the kingdom. He never needed my validation. However, since he was hellbent in trying to get inside my good books, better I use this to influence him in order to make him a better person. Or at least change the policies of the kingdom. Or else, the public will suffer.

"What should I do in order to prove that I am not like my father?"  He looked defeated.

"Change your policies. They are redundant and obsolete. It's time you bring the wave of change or else end up being hated by the public. Just like your father." I stood up and went towards the direction of my chambers.

I just looked back. To see his expression. I wondered if he was tired of having me around lecturing him. Or did my point made some sense? 

He looked into my eye and smiled. And then nodded.

"Serena?" He spoke very softly.

"Hmmm?"  I asked.

"I will make sure that you will leave this palace with a sound opinion about me. Promise." He smiled.

How could I not smile back to that adorable face? Even though he was still a brute. I smiled back and went towards my chambers.

You must be wondering why i was so concerned about the prisoners? You see, my neighbour is a pregnant lady (referred in the third chapter). Her name is Catherine. Her husband Mark was caught by the army with the charges of stealing. No one knows whether he actually did that. But we all feared that he would never ever return. He haven't heard from him since. Probably he was still inside the palace prison. Being tortured mercilessly. Agreed that he stole a small amount. But what would he do to feed his wife and children if he can't find any work? Instead of beating the criminals, they should try to get them employed.

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