Chapter 22:- The break

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Sultan's POV

"God heavens! tell me again! what did she do?" I asked Ali as I found it difficult to believe when I first heard about it. I knew that Serena was wild, impulsive and stubborn. But I never knew that she would start taking such lightening decisions the moment she would assume her throne! By the time the announcement of a ban on slave trade will be made, I am certain that the upper-class of the kingdom would be furious! Having slaves was wrong. Serena's logic was absolutely right. But having a vast number of slaves was considered as a power! a status! I suspected a revolt from the high ranking and rich people of the kingdom! She could have talked about it to me first, and then I would have gradually convinced everyone. One by one. It might have taken some time but that was the right way, the proper way to pass an order!

I rushed to her room to demand an explanation. Ali tried to stop me but I was furious! She was inside her chambers. Surprisingly, she did not demand any royal chamber after the massive shift of her power. She was content with her own space.

Before any guard could notify her about my arrival, I decided to throw the mannerisms away and barged inside her room.

"Oh! your majesty! how was your swim?" she asked me sarcastically. I knew she would be upset with my absence in the court during her first day. But I was in no mood to apologize. Besides, if any other women (of course, except my mother) would have talked with me on that kind of tone, I would have hanged her.

"How dare you pass the order banning the slave trade? Can't you understand that you could have done it gradually, after taking everyone in your confidence?" I asked her.

"If you would have been present in the courtroom, you would have seen how I convinced everyone to agree with me?" she argued back.

"What you did was not convincing. It was FORCING someone! you almost killed all my ministers?" this was ridiculous.

"You want me to take everyone's approval. I did so. How I did that, I do not care. As long as I am sitting on this throne, I shall make a proper use of my power! Only for 10 days... then for 10 days our kingdom would look like a heaven!" she looked straight into my eyes. Not scared of me.

"Aren't you scared of me?" I asked her. I was curious.

"No. "

"what if I get enraged and hurt you?" I asked

"You would not do that." she replied with an unusual confidence.

"and may I ask why not?"

"Because you like me" she said softly, the lines around her eyes softening. Her simple reply sent flutters to my heart! How did she know?

"and... do you like me too?' I completely forgot about my anger and took her soft hands into mine. I so badly wished that she had the same sentiment for me! But I would never ever force her. Else she would run away. Lust can be forced. Love can't be. (the way she converted the finest women of my harem into nuns, I had learnt my lesson).

"I...I... I am not sure! I am still confused." she looked confused.

"It is okay. Take your time to decide what you feel about it." I told her.

"I am really sorry for not reciprocating the same tenderness that you have been showing me since the day I have entered the palace." She genuinely looked sorry. Now I realized how many hearts I had broken whenever I would reject any women in my harem just because I never possessed any feelings of kindness. Might as well get my heart broken.

The atmosphere around us had turned tensed. I felt uneasy. I felt vulnerable. Not that she would take advantage of my feelings. She was genuine.

"Now what shall we do about the so-called blunder of mine?" she asked in order to rectify her mistake (or maybe change the topic. she did not seem apologetic at all).

"Let it be. We will see when the storm arrives." I dismissed it. Suddenly the atmosphere felt normal again as she smiled. She was just an ordinary looking women. I did not understand why I fell for her? whereas I had a company of the finest looking women of the kingdom in the past?

"so how was your swim?" she asked me. This time she was genuinely curious.

"It was great because for the first time in my life, I was not concerned about the courtroom and the politics. Now I realized what the true freedom is. And why you value your normal life compared to the complicated lives of the royalty." I told her.

"You have nine days left for a complete holiday. Till then, allow me to do what I am doing. I promise you will witness an excellent cleansing in the upcoming days. I do not care about the revolts. They can do whatever they wish to. Though I can think of ways to silence them!" she gave me a sinister smile.

I wondered what will happen if I make her the ruler for the rest of my life.

"Hey, like I said before, you have my unconditional support." I assured her.

"I know. You do not have any other option but to support me" she laughed as she sat in front of the mirror, combing her hair.

I shrugged and came out of her chambers. For some reason, I always felt like smiling whenever I met her.

"You look like a helpless person drowning in the ocean of love" Ali teased me as soon as he saw me.

I smiled to myself and decided to stroll around the palace gardens lazily, something that I never was allowed to do, first during my childhood as a part of discipline. And then I didn't prefer to do it as I was burdened by the responsibilities as soon as I assumed the title of "sultan".

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