Chapter 44:- Sultan

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Sultan's POV

"I can't believe how well Serena handled crises," I told my Commander in Chief as we advanced towards the kingdom. I dispatched my messenger that we had won and will reach the palace after two days.

I was getting regular updates from the palace thanks to Ali. He ensured to send me all the updates while Serena worked in the field.

Our kingdom had registered a historical victory. However, the battle was fierce. We had lost many soldiers. I had ordered the treasury (through my messenger) to pay the families of martyr soldiers with a monthly allowance. As soon as possible.

However, I wondered how Serena would react to seeing me with my bones broken. There were marks of swords on my body. Maybe she would cry like a devoted wife, seeing her husband covered in blood. Or maybe she will faint with the sight of seeing me in that condition!

I don't know. As soon as I reached the kingdom, I received a heroic welcome from the crowd who followed me to the palace entrance. I was welcomed by my mother and brother as well as the other ministers (I must say that the newly appointed ministers were young for their age. But I trust Ali and Serena. Whoever appointed them.)

I was disappointed to find the absence of Serena giving me a grand welcome. Did she return to her home? Why would she do that? At least she could have waited for me!

I saw Ali grinning at me. "Brother she is in her chambers. I wish you address the crowd and go to her" he said.

I addressed the crowd and reluctantly addressed the over-enthusiastic court. I was sad that she wasn't there to witness the greatest moment of my life. I.e. Receiving a great honour from the crowd. But maybe she will melt after seeing my wounds. And maybe hug me.

I entered her chamber amidst the evening darkness.

"Sultan!" she exclaimed as she came near me. I thought perhaps she would hug me. All I got was a punch on my stomach.

"If it would have been someone else, I would have hanged her! Why did you punch me!" I asked her.

"Because you didn't write to me! You had time to write to Ali. You had time to write to the army chief. You had time to write to my father yesterday asking for my hand and he must be angry with me for not telling him about our relationship but you didn't have to write to me! Did you have any idea how worried and scared I was for the last few days? And here you show up, all covered in wounds and decked up! I am so mad at you!" she sounded angry.

"I thought you will welcome with loads of love." I expressed my disappointment.

"Nope. I still am angry with you. Your charms won't work on me. I do not intend to fall for your sweet words. And ugly wounds." she almost cried.

I couldn't stop grinning. She looked adorable with anger on her face. Her concern showed that she loved me. I agree that I got a little bit enthusiastic and sent a letter to her father about my intention to marry her. Didn't know that it would make her angry.

"I am sorry I wrote him without your permission," I said. No harm in apologising to angry women. "Now let us spend some time with each other. There is much I wish to share! " I tried to show some enthusiasm.

"Pardon me Your Majesty but I wish to get some deep sleep." she closed the door on my face.

I never felt so insulted in my whole life. Never in my life, anyone had the guts to be angry with me.

I didn't know what to do.

"She loves you. And had sleepless nights because of you. Don't worry she would come around. Give her some time. Son, she is precious. Do not let her go" said my mother as she passed through the corridor leading to my room.

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