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~ a few months later ~

"Baby Boy, come on. We're going to be late." Sighing, I slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked out of the room, seeing a frustrated Chan. "Moving doesn't have a cut off time, Daddy." "Sure it does!" Giggling to myself, I just shook my head and followed him downstairs.

We were finally leaving Hyunjin's house, but we weren't going back to Mrs. Lee's house or to my parent's house. No, it was better. Chan surprised me here a few weeks ago by telling me that he had found us a house. At first I was reluctant, not wanting to leave the house I had become so accustomed to. But then Chan showed me the house. And I fell in love with it.

The house is very cute. Three bedrooms, a spacious kitchen and dining room, an entertainment room, and even a beautiful patio space with enough back yard room for us to get a dog in the future.

Today was our move in date and Chan could not be more stressed out. I tried telling him that even though this was our move in date, we don't have to have everything in the house by today. But he's insisting that we do so that our stress levels aren't so high over the next few days. He's also just trying to take some of the stress off of himself because I still have school. I'm doing it all online, but he doesn't want me to focus on the house too much and not focus on school. Which I understand. It's sweet of him.

Felix is slightly upset that Chan and I are moving out but Hyunjin reassured him that he can stay with him and Seungmin as long as he wants. So he won't really be alone. Plus, we've told him that he can come visit as much as he wants. He wanted to live with us for a moment there but he realized that that wouldn't be the best idea, for him. It would be like us back at Mrs. Lee's house, but with less sneaking around Mrs. Lee.

As we drove to our new house, I couldn't help but feel so excited but so nervous. I'm so excited to set up our house and make it our own, but I'm so nervous about moving onto this next step in our lives. This is a big step. I'm just glad that we could have this opportunity.

When we pulled up to the house, Chan reached for my hand and intertwined our fingers together. Looking over at me, he smiled warmly. "This is it, Baby. This is our house." I took a deep breath and nodded, returning his smile. "Are you ready?" "Yes, absolutely."

With every step we took towards this new place we would be calling home, my heart raced more and more with excitement. I'm truly excited to start this new chapter in our lives. The people we hired to move our stuff were already here and the truck was already half empty. We didn't bring too much stuff as we wanted to buy a lot of new items for the house. We just brought the things that we knew we wanted to keep.

Chan and I approached the house after our slow walk up the walk way, but he soon stopped just a few feet before the door. "Daddy? What's wrong?" "Well I have to carry you through the doorway, don't I? That's tradition, isn't it?" I giggled at his romantic gesture. "I'm pretty sure that's only with married couples, silly." He shrugged, picking me up bridal style anyway. "Same thing."

He carried me through the door way but didn't set me down once inside. Instead, he kept carrying me around the house as we looked at all of the main rooms. He only set me down once we reached the bedrooms. "Okay, so, what I have planned in my mind is this," he started, turning to face me as he pointed at each room. "This room is going to be our bedroom. This room is going to be your study room because my baby needs his space to do his work. And this room," he paused, a small grin tugging at his lips. "Well this room is a secret but you'll soon find out what I have in store for this room." That sounds terrifying but intriguing at the same time.
"But wait, what about a room for your work?" "What do you mean, Baby?" "Your music. You have to have a space for your work as well. My school work isn't as important as your music work for me to get an entire room to myself." Chan smiled softly, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I appreciate your concern, but we still have our studio at Hyunjin's house. Plus, I can just work on my lyrics and smaller things like that on the couch." I pouted, but decided to not argue with him. He wants what's best for me.

"Well, when can I find out what's in store for that room?" He only grinned in response before walking off, his hand trailing down to mine before taking hold of it and leading me back to the main rooms.

We plopped down onto the couch that was placed in the living room, Chan instantly wrapping his arms me. Resting my head onto his chest, I sighed in content. "Daddy?" "Yes, Baby Boy?" I looked up, locking eyes with him. His eyes shone so bright with love and admiration. "I'm really glad that we could move onto this chapter of our lives." He smiled, nodding his head. "I am too, Baby." We continued to cuddle on the couch as the movers placed our things inside the house. Chan would occasionally direct them on where to place specific pieces, but for the most part, we told them to put it all in the living room. We wanted to be the ones to decorate and furnish the house. Truly make it our own.

This is just so surreal. Having a house with Chan. Having a place to call our own. This is just the first chapter in the lives of us. Who knows, maybe the next chapter involves building a family. I'm so content with this current chapter, though, that I'm not going to even worry or think about the chapters to come. I'm going to focus on creating the perfect house for Chan and I. Even if that includes a secret room that I have yet to discover, I'm so excited for it all.

It's still so strange for me to think about the fact that this time last year, Chan was just my best friend's brother, someone that I had had a crush on for years. Now, he's my boyfriend, my caregiver, my Daddy, and we have a house together. We're starting a life together. Strange how life works like that, isn't it?

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