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Jeongin's P.O.V

I woke up laying next to Hyunjin, who was fast asleep. It's barely light outside, the sun is just now rising it seems like. Looking around, I noticed how nobody else was in the room. Why am I the only one still in here?

I slowly sat up, searching for my phone. Maybe Chan is awake to answer my questions. And as if on cue, the door opened, revealing Chan, Seungmin, Felix, and Jisung. Chan smiled warmly, coming over and picking me up. "Did you sleep good, Baby Boy?" I nodded, smiling softly as I hugged him, my body wrapping around his as though I'm a baby koala clinging onto its mother. Hyunjin sat up and yawned, smiling warmly at the both of us, "You two are so cute." I blushed, but didn't argue. We are. I know we are.

Hyunjin laid his eyes on Seungmin, and immediately they lit up. Seungmin smiled softly at Hyunjin, walking over to sit by his side. Taking his hand in his own, Seungmin kissed the top of it, causing Hyunjin to blush like crazy. "How are you feeling?" "I feel better now." I smiled at the two, loving how close they've become. Felix and I's ship has sailed.

Chan walked over to Felix and Jisung, mumbling that we should give the two some alone time. We all agreed, knowing that they probably really need it. "We're gonna go get some breakfast. Do you guys want anything?" "Surprise us." Seungmin spoke, not breaking eye contact with Hyunjin.

I told Chan that I could walk but he insisted on carrying me. Not gonna lie, I was a little embarrassed being carried throughout the hospital. But at the same time, I don't care. Between waking up and immediately being babied by Chan, I'm in my Little headspace, so I don't mind being carried. It makes me feel even more smol.

"Where do we want to go?" Jisung questioned as we all got into his car. Minho is at work, so Jisung offered to pick everybody up since he wanted to see Hyunjin and didn't mind driving. Felix sat shotgun while Chan took the backseat, me straddling his waist since he still refuses to let go of me. Is something wrong? Did something happen?

Felix and Jisung began to discuss food, deciding whether to go to the cafe by the high school or go to a restaurant close by. I finally lifted my head from resting on Chan's shoulder, looking him in the eye. "Why is you so clingy today, Daddy?" A smile spread across his face, causing me to mirror his action. "I just missed you, Baby." Nodding, I rested my head back against his chest, sighing in content. I'm so happy that Hyunjin is alright.


Seungmin texted Felix that Hyunjin had fallen asleep since the doctor had given him more pain killers. He also told us Hyunjin will be discharged tomorrow if everything looks good. I'm so glad, I can't wait to have Hyunjin back home, safe and sound.

We all ended up at the cafe, which I preferred because I love their food. Woojin told us that he would meet us at the hospital later today and Minho can't leave work so he'll be meeting us at the hospital later as well.

"We still need to talk about Raein." Felix poked his food, looking up at me through his eyelashes. I sighed softly, nodding my head in agreement. "I know." "I think as soon as we get Hyunjin home, we should completely lock down and not let anyone in or out of the house." I looked at Chan, a little shocked, to be honest. I wasn't expecting that. "What about the guys?" "If they want to come over they'll have to stay." His voice sounds so determined, so demanding. Like he's already made up his mind and everyone else is going to have to agree.

"I don't think that's a bad idea." Jisung spoke up, "It'll ensure the safety of everyone." "Okay, so, as soon as everyone meets up at the hospital tonight, we'll let the guys know the plan." Then it hit me. "Felix, we start school in two days." Silence fell over the table "You're not going." Chan spoke softly, his eyes straight forward. "What? I have to go." He finally turned to look at me and I could see the worry and the pain in his eyes. "No. You don't." I don't care how worried he is, I have to go to college. What am I supposed to do with my life if I don't go to college? This isn't fair.

"You're not being fair. How am I supposed to get a job without a college degree?" "You can take a semester break." "I haven't even started yet!" Chan glared at me, his jaw clenching. "Don't raise your voice at me, Little One." I groaned, rolling my eyes as I got up from the table, "I'm leaving. I'll see you guys at the hospital." Without another word, I turned on my heel and stormed out, ignoring the calls I received for me to come back.

The hospital is only like a ten, maybe fifteen, minute walk from the cafe so it shouldn't be too bad. I sighed loudly, hanging my head as I walked. Why does he think he can control my life? He can't tell me I cannot go to college, who does he think he is? I guess he is just trying to do what's best for me...Sighing once more, I figured I could just talk to him once we're all at the hospital again.

As I approached the tall building, I noticed a figure sitting on one of the benches. I instantly got chills as I laid eyes on him, his aura radiating danger. He looked up from his phone, and I immediately knew those eyes. He grinned, standing up, never breaking eye contact, as he slowly began to walk towards me. My heart raced as I stood there, paralyzed with fear. He's right there. Twenty feet from me. He found us. He found me. Has he come to finish off Hyunjin? Or has he come for me this time?

I noticed how he stopped in his tracks and he seemed to look behind me. I can't turn around. I'm too scared. Who is it? Is it one of his friends? Is he trying to scare me, get me to take my attention off of him? I felt two hands grip onto my waist and someone's chest against my back. I could tell it was Chan by the way he held onto me.

"Are you okay, Baby?" I could only nod in response, my eyes never leaving Raein. Chan leaned down, speaking softly into my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist, "Felix has called the police, let's just get you out of here." "What if he runs away?" About the time I got that question out, Felix came running out of nowhere, tackling Raein to the ground. With his face in the dirt and his hands pinned behind his back, Raein didn't look like he was going anywhere anytime soon. Felix smiled at us, his face showing nothing but happiness for being able to tackle his biggest enemy.

"Come on. Let's get you inside." Chan took hold of my hand and lead me inside the hospital, where Jisung and Minho were waiting for us. "Where's Felix?" Minho questioned, looking behind us. "He's making sure Raein doesn't run away." Minho made an 'o' with his mouth before wrapping his arm around Jisung and walking with him to the elevator, Chan and I following close behind, as we all went up to Hyunuin's room. As we entered, we saw Hyunjin laying in Seungmin's arms, the two fast asleep. I giggled softly, hugging Chan as I whispered, "They're so cute, Daddy." He hummed in response, patting my head.

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