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Chan's P.O.V

The three of us were all on the couch watching Commitment and honestly, I'm not even paying attention. Jeongin is still fast asleep in Felix's lap, resting his head on his chest, snoring softly, as Felix rubs circles onto his back. And I'm jealous?

I don't know why I'm jealous, I know that Felix isn't attracted to Jeongin like that, but I just can't shake the feeling. I guess I want to be the only one to be able to hold my Baby Boy like that now. But I can't just force him to stay awake from Felix. That'd be so wrong. Felix is a huge part of Jeongin's life. I'm not gonna be the bastard that tears them apart. And I pity the fool who tries.

"Hyung." "Hm?" Felix had stopped rubbing circles onto Jeongin's back and had his attention focused on me. "What exactly is wrong? Are you really upset that I still care for Jeongin? You didn't seem to mind before you two started dating." I sighed, scratching the back of my neck, not really sure what I was thinking or what to say to him. "I don't know, Felix. I'm not jealous because I know you're not into Jeongin and I know that you've been his caregiver for so long and he needs you while you need him. I guess I..." I trailed off, sighing once more. "I guess I just got a little upset when Jeongin only wanted you. I'm so used to being the only one needed that it kind of...hurt."

Felix smiled at me softly while Jeongin stirred in his sleep, slowly sitting up. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands before opening them and looking between Felix and I. We both smiling warmly at him, causing him to softly smile in return. "Lixie...?" "Hm?" "I'm hungry..." He poked his tummy and pouted which sent all of my uwu's flying out. "Awe, okay, I can make us some spaghetti, yeah?" Jeongin nodded, smiling widely. Felix got up and placed Jeongin down onto the couch before heading into the kitchen. I am scared of Felix in the kitchen but I think it'll be okay. I hope.

Jeongin crawled over to me and sat on my lap, pulling my hands into his small ones. "Daddy...I sorry." "Why are you sorry, Baby boy? You haven't done anything wrong." He finally looked up, our eyes locking. He had a confused look written on his face, his eyebrows furrowed together. "But I...I made Daddy upset..." Smiling softly, I reached up and combed my fingers through Jeongin's hair, sweeping it to the side. "Baby boy, I could never be upset with you." He only smiled in return before hugging me, nuzzling his head into my neck. I wrapped my arms around his waist, softly sighing. Gosh, what are you doing to my heart, Jeongin?


Today is a big day for me, but I hope an even bigger day for Jeongin. I found a little shop about an hour away that sells things for Littles and Pets. They'll buy these things online and then sell them in their shop for those who don't want to risk buying online. I love the concept because that means that I can take Jeongin and see if he would like to buy anything.

After we all had finished our spaghetti, that Felix surprisingly didn't mess up, I decided to ask Jeongin about the shop. It's still only around three in the afternoon, so we have enough time if he'd like to go. "Baby boy~" I stood behind Jeongin, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Yes, Daddy?" "How do you feel about pacifiers? Or sippy cups? Rattlers? Onesies?" Jeongin turned around in my arms, his brows furrowed together. "I...I don't know...I think they're all really cute and I'd love to one day have some of those things..." He trailed off, looking confused once again.
"Why do you ask..?" I smiled, "What if I told you that I found a shop that sells Little and Pet items?" His eyes seemed to sparkle but he still seemed a bit unsure. "Would you like to go?" After a few seconds on thinking about it, he nodding, a wide grin appearing on his face, his eyes glimmering with happiness.


Along the ride, Jeongin slowly regressed out of his head space. It wasn't a long drive to the shop, only about an hour. We got there in no time. As we were heading towards the shop, Jeongin took a hold of my hand, stopping in his tracks. "What is it, Baby Boy?" Jeongin looked down at his feet, fiddling with my fingers. "Baby, you don't have to be scared. I'm right here, and we can go home if you want to." "I want to go in there, I just..." He looked up, looking into my eyes, before softly sighing. "I just don't know what I like...I've never had anything other than coloring books and stuffed animals." I smiled warmly as I wrapped my arms around the small boy, trying to comfort him. "Maybe this can help you discover what you like and don't like." He nodded, pulling away and smiling at me. I took a hold of his hand and we began to walk into the shop. There were pacifiers, bottles, sippy cups, bibs, rattlers, everything and anything. Jeongin has an age range of 3 to 5, depending on the situation and his mood. I'm curious to see what he picks.

I let go of Jeongin's hand, causing him to look back at me, pouting. I motioned for him to look around, causing him to sigh but go on. I followed close behind, admiring him. He's so beautiful. The way his eyes gleam whenever he spots something that he's interested in, the way his lips curl into a smile when he thinks that something is cute. He looks so good in his ripped jeans, the way they hug his thighs. His collarbones are slightly on show with how his over-sized grey sweater falls off his shoulder.

"Chan?" Jeongin snapped his fingers in front of my face, finally getting my attention. I raised my eyebrow at the name, causing Jeongin to look down at his feet and whisper, "Daddy." "Yes, Baby boy?" "Can I..." Jeongin looked up, his cheeks blushed with a soft pink. "Can I pick stuff?" I smiled, nodding. "Of course, Baby boy. Pick whatever your Little heart desires." He started to object, but I raised my finger, silencing him. "I did not stutter. Whatever my Baby wants, he gets."

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