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Darkness consumes me. I feel fear surrounding me, but I don't want to be afraid. I don't want to be alone. I feel so alone though. It's so dark and so cold, and I feel like a loud drum is being pounded all around me. I don't know where I am but I don't want to stay here in this weird place.

My memory of my father come back, and it makes me wonder what he was working on. Why he never told me about it. Why it was so important to him. I guess back then I was just so angry and scared that I never thought of asking him. I guess I should've. I somehow can slightly feel the stinging pain on my cheek where he slapped me, but I don't understand how. It should be impossible to feel a memory, but I can still somewhat feel it.

I blink as a sudden light appears into the darkness, and muffled voices are heard. I slowly walk towards the light, and once I got closer I shielded my eyes from it. My eyes widened when I realized I stepped into another memory, and my mouth opens when I realize that this memory seems almost familiar. I think I had this memory before. I thought as I walk closer to the scene as the muffled voices became clearer.

"When is father coming back?"

"Hopefully soon. I have to get home to my own kids." The nanny says sighing.

"Do you think my father will ever realize that I'm too old for a nanny?"

"He's just worried about you being home alone since he's always gone on those business trips." The nanny tells me.

"Yeah well, it's still annoying that I'm the only one of my age who has to be babysat."

"Don't worry, it won't be forever." The nanny tells me assuringly."

"Yeah, I hope so."

We both turn to head into the living room when suddenly we heard screaming outside. The nanny jumped, but being the curious one I am I ran towards the window to see why. I saw almost the whole town running for their lives, which made me furrow my eyebrows in confusion. I told my nanny that something is wrong, which made her come over to the window as well. The look that appeared on her face appeared as terrified as she pulls me away. The screaming is loud and you can hear people banging on doors to get in, but she wouldn't let anyone come inside.

"What's happening?" I ask as glass broke somewhere in the house.

"Run and hide!" Nanny yells at me urgently.

I open my mouth to argue back when we heard more glass breaking. We spun around to see nobody, but as we backed away glass broke behind us making nanny scream. She pushed me forward making me fall onto the floor, and I turn around quickly to see her being bitten by some undead person. I backed away frighten as she chokes out telling me to run. I turn around running as I stand up quickly. I head for the back door but stop as I see another undead person running at me. I screamed as I turned and ran upstairs and into my room. I slam the door closed before heading towards my window. I opened it up but stop before heading towards my closet, and quickly grabbed my bow and quiver of arrows. I heard them outside of my door as they try to bang it open, and I felt my heart beating a mile a minute. I put my quiver and bow over my shoulder before heading out of the window. I climbed up to the top of the roof trying not to slip and fall off. When I made it to the top, my eyes widen when I saw the scene in front of me.

I shake my head from the memory and was back out into the darkness. I felt a shiver climbing up my back as I just saw my nanny get killed a second time. That was when the apocalypse first started, but my father never came home. Is he dead? I thought furrowing my eyebrows. I don't know why but I'm having a hard time believing that he's gone. I know Aaron said that his creation killed him but what if that's not true? I have to find out, somehow.

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