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We didn't waste any time after I wrote that as Hank told everyone who's going and who's staying behind. Savanna wasn't happy that she was being left behind, but Darren was still mad at her for running away and Hank explained to her that this was a very dangerous mission. The twins weren't happy either that they had to stay behind either, but honestly, I was glad that they get to stay behind. This is very dangerous and I don't know if I'll lose control when I'm in front of my father again. I don't want them to see me like that again. I'm not looking forward to seeing my father again as I have a feeling that I might blow upon seeing him again. I can already feel my anger rising as we get closer to my father's lab. It didn't take us long to stand outside of his lab, as we rushed here as fast as we could without being spotted by any zombies. The scent of the toxic waste is stronger than when I was here moments ago. I noticed that it spread more as I can barely see it peeking around the corner of the building.

"So this is where the crazy man is hiding out?" Hank spoke up as he crosses his arms.

"Yes, but he isn't stable as he's weak." Aaron answers nonchalantly.

"Ah yes. You've said that he has cancer and has a missing arm or whatever." Hank says sounding like he doesn't care.

"How about we stop the chit chat and go in and talk with this guy hm?" Mandy asks walking towards the building.

I followed after her hesitantly but everyone followed soon afterward. Once we were inside everyone took off the mask they wore to protect themselves from the toxins in the air. Aaron and I showed them where my father is but I felt nervous and angry about being back here. I know I wanted to come here on my own, but I wanted to get answers. I can't with them here. Maybe I'm not destined to get answers or get anything, but perhaps I'll forever be stuck like this. I can accept it I guess, but I still want my father to be punished somehow.

"This place is creepy." Mandy says as we walk down the long corridor.

"I haven't been here in a very long time." Dr. Mitsbee says looking around the destroyed hallway.

"You've been here before?" Hank asks looking over at the doctor.

"Yes. I used to be a scientist here, but quit when I realized what Harold was trying to do." Dr. Mitsbee tells us making me look over at him.

"So, you just quit and didn't try to stop him?" Mandy asks glancing over at him.

"I did try. I wasn't in the same section as him but our sections sometimes share equipment and rooms. I happen to be in the same room as Harold when I overheard him muttering to himself about his project." Dr. Mitsbee explains to us.

"The project to start the zombie apocalypse?" Aaron asks like it was obvious.

"Actually no. Harold never wanted this to happen but wanted to create an elixir that will make our immune system stronger and our life span longer. When I heard what he was trying to do I wanted to join on his project. I thought it could save a lot of people from sickness and diseases, but then I heard who he wanted to test it on first." Dr. Mitsbee explains as he looks over at me with guilt.

"Loki." Mandy simply says.

"Yes, but once I knew he was serious about testing this elixir on his son I backed out. I tried to tell him that you have to get volunteers to test something new and not force your children to test your elixirs. Harold didn't want to listen, so he kicked me out of the room before locking the door so I couldn't get back inside. I told the manager what he was planning and that he needs to be stopped. They told me that they will talk to him." Dr. Mitsbee explains to us seriously.

"Well, it obviously didn't go well." Aaron says matter of fact.

"I see. Something went wrong but I'm not sure what, all I know is that the alarm blared telling everyone to get out of the lab. When we did, we noticed that one of our managers was missing and so was Harald. When we were able to go back inside the next day I walk back to that room again, but it was still locked. I knew something was wrong so I told the managers again. Except, they were nowhere to be found." Dr. Mitsbee explains as he glanced around the hallway again.

"I remember that day. I was there that day when all of the managers were missing. You called me that day asking me to come over to the lab." Aaron says remembering.

"Yes, but you never arrived." He says looking over at Aaron.

"Yeah, but I can't remember why." Aaron says rubbing the back of his head in confusion.

"I don't know, but later that day I ended up quitting as I didn't trust Harald or the fact that none of the managers were around." Dr. Mitsbee says as he lets out a sigh.

"Great story. So to sum it up, this zombie's dad is a complete lunatic and we might all just disappear like your past managers? Perfect." Hank mumbles bitterly.

"Well, to be honest, Aaron said that he's weak now. So he can't very well make us disappear if he wanted to." Mandy spoke up like it was obvious.

I block the rest of the conversation as I'm getting tired of them talking about my father. The more that I hear about him the more I demise him with every fiber that I have. I can't stop thinking about if my father didn't try to make this elixir then none of this would be happening. He did this, and for what? To make human lives longer and our immune system stronger? I don't know why but I'm having a hard time believing that. I don't trust my father. I hate my father. I just wish my mother was here instead of him and then our world wouldn't be like this. It's almost like he hated the world but why? I then remembered something my father once told me.

"I know I'm not the same. I'm sorry son. It's just hard without your mother. The way she died, it shouldn't have happened and I want to prevent that from happening again. Do you understand?"

Did he do all of this just for my mother? I blink a couple of times before I stop walking as I thought about that. My parents loved each other so much. They were like a perfect couple that people could be jealous of, but when my mother died. That's when everything changed. That's when my father changed. It's when he started hiring nannies for me, and when he started working late nights at the lab, and when he became distant. He tried to make the elixir for my mother, but she was already gone. It wouldn't work. So, he must've been trying to make it in her honor and try to save everyone else. Instead, he ended up killing people and turning them into zombies.

Including me.

I shake my head as he turned me all on his own. He did this to me on purpose. I can't forgive him and I won't. I clench my fists as no matter what I just have to forget about it and move on. We are here now and we will still talk to him about that toxic waste he spilled. I'm about to start walking and catch up but I stop again as I caught a scent. I look around the corridor as this scent is familiar, and it gives me bad vibes. I felt the cold and like I'm being watched, and I knew instantly what it was. I spun around just as this creepy stalker zombie jumps at me knocking me down to the ground. I hear the others yelling before running back towards me. I wanted to yell to them to stop, but being mute sucks. I roll out of the way just as the creature slams his sword-like arm down into the ground to slice me in half. I jump up before looking around to grab something but remembered I have my bow and arrows.

I dodged it again as I quickly grab my bow and one arrow before aiming at the creature who's charging at me. I let go of the arrow as it flies into the creature's chest. The creature opens its mouth like it's going to scream but instead, nothing comes out. I then hear gunshots which made me jump and almost drop my bow. I look over to see that Hank, Mandy, and Aaron are all shooting at the creature. I went to grab another arrow but then saw it falling onto the ground dead. I stay where I am for a few more seconds before walking over to the dead creature. I stare at it as it's bigger than normal zombies, and its arms are long and sword-like. How and why is this creature in here? The last time I was in here there was no stalker zombie in the lab. I then remembered that there was one of these in a test chamber, and wonder if it got loose.

My eyes widen when I thought of my father. If he gets killed then this trip was for nothing! I thought as I turn and ran towards where my father was. I heard Mandy yelling my name but I didn't stop as I need to hurry and get to him quickly! He better not have died or I swear I'll be pissed! He's not allowed to die until he gives us answers that bastard! I kept running until I saw the door at the end of the hall. I ran until I slam the doors open and instantly look for my father.

What I saw shocked me.

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