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I made it to the other side once again. My home. I look around as zombies walk around aimlessly or just laying on the ground. I turn my attention away from them as I look over at my father's lab. My anger boils once again as it starts to rise. It's now or never. I thought as I start walking towards the humongous building. This place brings back bad memories now that I know what happened here, and I wish I never had to come back here. This will be my last time though. Once I deal with my father then I'll never have to come back to this nightmare of a building ever again. Firstly though, there are questions that need to be answered and only my father can answer them. I'll make him answer if he refuses.

The closer I get to the building the more I feel my anger build up. This can't possibly be healthy but what do I care? I'm dead. My father made sure of that. I look around the area that's around my father's lab and notice that it smells of a lot of blood. My nose twitches as there's another smell that I can't pinpoint what it is. I turn from the main doors as I went to follow the strange but disgusting smell. My curiosity getting the better of me. When I rounded to the back I froze in my place. My eyes widen in horror at the scene that's displaying in front of me. What the hell is my father doing? I thought with terror seeping through me.

This is worse than starting the zombie apocalypse! What is he thinking? He's gone insane and I have to tell someone, or well, write to someone. Mandy and Hank would know what to do, hopefully at least. I glance up at the building feeling hatred and confusion at what he's done and what he's doing now. I shake my head as I turn running back the other way. I have to hurry and tell the others before this spreads any further. My father is insane. I thought hating that he's even my father. I couldn't just have a normal father who loved me or was a teacher or something safe. No. I had to have a scientist father who hates me and used me as his damn lab rat! I growled lowly at that as this all happened because of that man, and now he's releasing something more dangerous. He wants to kill us all.

I stop next to the crack in the wall before glaring daggers at my father's lab once more, before squeezing myself through. My nose twitches at the scent of my dried blood but I ignored it as I squeezed out on the other side. I dashed towards where the camp is. I'm pretty sure I remember where the main door was but the question is will they let me in? I mean if I get there first probably not. I shake my head as I shouldn't think about that at the moment. This is an emergency, and I have to run without stopping until I get there. There isn't much time. I'm not sure how much time we do have left, but I just have to hurry and hope that I get there quickly.


There it is!

The main doors to the camp!

I just have to find a way to let them let me inside so I can see Hank and the others. I stop outside of the doors and start banging on the metal doors, but it didn't open. I then tried to remember what was the secret knock that Mandy did when she first brought me here. Oh! Wait, I remember now it was double knock then stop, then double knock again. I smile slightly as I tried it and hoped that it works since I knew I did just banged on the door just now. My eyes widen when it slowly starts to open and Hank stands on the other side. When he saw me his eyes widen in shock. He looks around and notices that it was just me, but then he looks back at me with a raised eyebrow.

"How do you know the secret knock?" Hank accuses.

I quickly took my board out and wrote down Mandy, but also added that I have something important to share with everyone. Hank squints at my message but looks over at me once he finishes reading my messy handwriting. He nods before indicating that I can come in. I'm surprised that he's letting me inside so easily. I thought as the last time we stood by that door he took a shot at me. I shook my head as I followed him back to the room I'm all too familiar with. When Hank opens the door I saw that everyone was in here, well except for Darren, Savanna, Aaron, and George. I'm assuming Aaron is seeing Dr. Mitsbee and George is occupying him since they don't know him, and I'm assuming that Savanna is in trouble.

"Loki!" Alex yells running over along with his sister.

I wave sheepishly as they hugged me which made me tense. When they let go I glance over at Mandy who's watching us closely. I grab my board quickly before writing down that I have something important to tell everyone, before placing it down on the table. Hank, Mandy, and the twins leaned over to read it before Hank nods telling me to proceed. I nod back before grabbing onto my board erasing it before writing down my next message.

I've discovered something more dangerous than us zombies. I wrote before showing them.

"What?" Hank asks in shock.

"Was it by your father's lab?" Alex asks and I saw the anger in his eyes as I nodded.

"Lab? What the hell is going on?" Hank asks feeling out of the loop.

"I'll explain it later to you. Proceed Loki." Mandy says nodding for me to continue and I nod back before erasing my message.

I found it behind my father's lab. It reeked of blood. It's mixed in with it. I wrote to them feeling sick to my stomach for the first time since becoming like this.

"So far still not hearing what it is." Hank says getting impatient as I quickly erase my message once more.

My father is spilling toxic waste behind his lab, and it's spreading. I wrote feeling anger build up inside of me again.

"What? Are you certain?" Hank asks suddenly alert.

I nod as Mandy ran out of the room while Hank starts pacing back and forth. I hate that I had to bring them bad news, but they needed to know. I erase my message as I glance over at the twins who were huddled together in the corner. I saw that Alice looks frightened and I don't blame her. If acid is spreading then we are all in trouble, big time. I smelled it in the air and burning steel all around there. I smelled a lot of blood too. I can only guess that some zombies got stuck walking into the toxic waste and burned to death. Unless they were poisoned by the toxins in the air first, and then fell in the disgusting gloop of waste.

The door burst open and Mandy comes rushing back in but she brought Aaron, Dr. Mitsbee, and the siblings tagged along too. The door closed as Mandy explained to everyone who just showed up what I just told them. Which shocked Aaron the most, as he snaps his head towards me with wide confused eyes.

"Are you certain that's what you saw?" Aaron asks doubting me.

I roll my eyes as I quickly wrote my message before showing it to him, Yes. I smelled the toxins and blood in the air too.

"This isn't good, what now?" Savanna asks worriedly.

"You aren't going to do anything." Darren growls at her.

"We need to stop that waste somehow from spreading." Mandy says completely ignoring what Darren said to Savanna.

"How are we going to do that?" George asks crossing his arms.

"Well, we know who's behind it. So we confront him and try to convince him to tell us how to stop it." Mandy tries.

"This isn't like the zombie apocalypse where we can force the guy to tell us how to make a cure for it. This is toxic waste. Once it's out and about, it's going to be harder to clean up and get rid of." Dr. Mitsbee explains seriously.

"Then what do we do? We can't let it keep spreading." Alex says in a duh tone.

"We won't let it, but we can't just charge at it and hope for the best either. We have to think of a way to stop it without killing ourselves." Hank says letting out a sigh.

The room went silent as everyone tries to think of a plan, but even though the doctor is right here he seems stumped. It's quite surprising, to be honest, but I'm not going to question him. If Dr. Mitsbee can't figure out how to clean up this dangerous toxic waste, then we have to talk with my father. He's a scientist and deals with chemicals his whole life. I mean he even started the apocalypse and turned me into a zombie, so he should know how to clean up the waste that he started. I just hate that I have to confront him again and still won't get any answers that I want. It doesn't matter at this point as this is very important. These people's lives are at risk now, well I guess it was always were when this apocalypse started. I shake my head as I quickly write down my message before turning it around to show it to everyone else. They all turn towards me before reading my message, before they all looked back up at me.

We have to see my father. I wrote.

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