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The others found the boat.

It took them four days to get there, so it will take them four days to get back and four days to get back to the boat again. I guess Aaron is staying behind to guard the boat and clean it up so people will have a clean ride. I guess they managed to find another fishing boat that will fit five people. So Hank is looking to see if there's another person who knows how to drive a boat. I hope he finds one so then they will be able to get to safety faster. Darren is getting the first thirteen people ready to head out for the boat. Nine of them will go with Aaron and the other four will go with whoever can drive the other fishing boat. Mandy and George are already on their way and they are trying to get back as fast as they can. Since they know where the boat is and where the base is from there, it will hopefully be a shorter trip. We can only hope since who knows how much time we have until that toxic waste reaches us. Each passing day is a day closer to this little town being overtaken by the toxic waste.

I still want to go and talk with my father, and maybe once the first thirteen people leave then I'll go as well. I'll go and talk with my father and get some answers before I come back and say my goodbyes. It should be easier to talk with my father now that I have this thought communicator that Dr. Mitsbee invented. I tried it once in front of the doctor and it was weird at first. Whatever I think in my mind, the communicator lets me say it out loud in words. Even though I'm a zombie who's mute. It won't work if I take it off, and it gives me a headache if I use it for too long. The dull green with sliver outline that's in the middle lights up every time I speak. There are a few side effects of using this device, which some of them bother me. I made sure to explain this all to the doctor as he's making all of this adjustments to Alice's communicator. He said he will fix mine once he finishes with Alice's so she will be able to talk as well. I thought it was fair so I didn't complain, as she's still mute and not able to speak.

When I used this in front of Alice she was so excited that she couldn't wait to get hers. I left out the part where you get side effects that it gives you when using it since the doctor is trying to fix them. Alex couldn't wait for his sister to get one either, and Savanna was excited that we will be able to talk but she's upset with me at the moment. I refused to talk to her with this communicator on. It's not that I don't want her to hear my hoarse voice from not using it for so long, but it's because I'm afraid to speak with her. I'm afraid that I might tell her the truth. That I won't be able to go with her on the boat. I know it's silly but it's just this fear I have so I use my board when speaking with Savanna. The marker is about dead though, so I won't be able to use it for much longer.

"Loki how is the communicator working for you?" Dr. Mitsbee asks as he walks over with a clipboard.

"Very...good." I say straining to say as it's hard to speak since it's not my voice I'm using but at the same time, it is. It's very confusing.

"That's very good. You sound like you are getting better at speaking. Excellent process!" Dr. Mitsbee says with a wide smile as he wrote some stuff down on his clipboard.

I nod with a big smile as well before he turns and walks away. I took the headband off as I let out a quiet sigh from the forming headache I'm getting. No matter what when I go to see my father I'll have to endure this headache so I can get my answers from him. I'm not letting him die and I'm not dying without my answers. Well, technically I'm already dead. I'm one of the undead but still, I'll be completely dead once that toxic waste spreads. This town will be gone from existence and maybe that's what my father wanted. All I know is that my mother would be so disappointed in him, but I still wish that she was here. Maybe if she never died, then maybe none of this would have ever transpired in the first place. I wish I could remember what happened to my mother as it's one of the memories I didn't receive yet. It will be one of the questions I'll ask my father.

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