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It's almost been two months since the evacuation started, and we almost got everyone out. We have one more group now. Savanna's group. My friend's group. We have the last thirteen people inside of the base, and that's including Hank, Darren, Savanna, Alex, and the doctor. Well, we are missing two as the other two are Mandy and George. Alice and I can't go for two reasons. The boats are full and we are zombies. I don't think Savanna and Alex have realized that yet but I'm not looking forward to having to say goodbye to them. It's going to be so hard to say bye. If it wasn't for them, wasn't for Savanna then I would've been all alone out there. Still wandering not knowing who I am. I owe it to her but now I don't know what I can do to make it up to her before she leaves.

I know Alice is having a hard time thinking about how to say goodbye to her twin. Dr. Mitsbee gave her one of the commentators so she can talk to everyone. Of course, at this time it's kind of pointless when everyone leaves. Alice and I won't have much time together until we end up dying from the waste. It's a cruel world, but at least we won't be dying alone. I'm afraid to die, especially from this horrible way Alice and I are going to go. It will be very painful, and I'm not looking forward to it at all. Well, who looks forward to death anyway? I'm certainly not but I'm going to have to be when the time comes. Alice is a lot more talkative now that she has her communicator, but it kind of sucks that she won't have been able to use it for long.

George and Mandy are already on their way back to collect the last group. When they get here, then we will go with them but only to say goodbye when they are about to board the boat. It's the way I wanted it to go. Then they can't fight and argue about us going with them. They won't decide to stay and die with us and giving everyone a hard time. Alice agrees with this since she wants to see Alex live his life since she won't be able to. Savanna and Alex are my only two human friends and I'm not going to let them die because of me, because of Alice. It's unfair. It's not right that they have to die with us when they have a chance to live their lives to the fullest. They should be able to grow up and be able to move on with their lives, not stay here and die with zombies.

As the days tick by and it gets closer to when George and Mandy get back. I'm getting nervous. Alice is getting nervous as well. The toxic waste is spreading as it's almost through the crack in the wall. I'm not sure if that means my father is dead now but either way he asked for it. I still couldn't help the emptiness that I feel though, because he was still my parent. My mother was still in there and she had to die that painful way like him. I just hope that she didn't have to feel anything, unlike he would've. I shake my head as I just have to forget about everything because tomorrow morning we will be leaving for the boat. We will have to say our goodbyes. A goodbye that I'm not looking forward to, and I don't know what to say. It would've been so much easier if I just died instead of becoming a zombie. Then I wouldn't have to worry about all of this right now. How do you say goodbye to your only friends when you know you're gonna die afterward?


I look over to see Alice who looks upset and terrified. I don't blame her one bit as I'm terrified about this whole thing. I wave her over as she walks in before closing the door. Alice walks in before sitting on the floor opposite of me as she looks conflicted. I pick up my communicator before putting it on my head.

"Doing alright Alice?" I ask her already knowing what her answer would be but I didn't know what else to ask her.

"I'm...scared Loki. I don't...want to...say goodbye." Alice tells me straining with each word.

"I know. Me either." I tell her letting out a sigh.

"Are you...sure that...the other humans... won't let us...come?" Alice asks upsettingly.

"Do you think they would?" I ask her knowing that they won't.

"I mean...maybe? We've with...them for...two months now. So maybe...they trust us? Just a little?" Alice asks hopefully.

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