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That zombie's blood is very extraordinary, and that young zombie girl's blood is as well. Alice, I believe her name was also had the same blood type as Loki does. Alex the twin brother who is still human also has the same blood type. It makes me realize for certain that if anyone who has this rare blood type can become a zombie just like how Loki and Alice are. It is very unique! I've never seen anything like it before. They are very special zombies, but I have noticed a flaw in their bloodstreams. Which is a bit concerning.

They both have negative Z and their human blood types, but it doesn't look like either one of their blood types is fighting against one another. I have noticed something that does concern me though. I told the others that it was possible that they could convert into full zombies over time, but now I know they won't unless they want to.

For them to become full zombies is simple. They just have to have their first taste of human flesh, which I'm worried that if they get hungry enough or get close enough they won't be able to control themselves. I noticed the differences between Loki and Alice which is great but upsetting. Alice has her brother who seems to help her and protects her, helps her remember her memories right off the bat.

Loki on the other hand, as I recall Savanna telling me that he woke up alone and scared. I know sometimes humans can do stupid things that they regret when they are scared, but Loki? I noticed he seems always scared and he might be a little unstable. I know Savanna trusts him but for a zombie that pretty much is fighting his hunger, and is constantly scared is not safe to be around. I need to figure out if I can somehow help him out and not be so scared. Until I can see if I can find a cure for all of the zombies.

I've been trying for days but nothing is working. I thought maybe it would be easier since I have Loki and Alice's blood but it's still hard to find. I need to figure this out. It would be nice to cure the zombies and stop this apocalypse. I still wonder how it even started in the first place but maybe no one will ever find out.

"Hey Doctor, how is it going?"

I turn and see Hank who looks exhausted, and it's probably because he's been worried about the others. I heard that Loki, Savanna, and the twins ran away and Hank sent Mandy, George, and Darren to find them. He's been worried ever since and I don't blame him. He's always worried when he sends Mandy and George out but they are our best people to send out.

"The question is, how are you doing?" I shot the question back.

"It's noticeable again isn't it?" Hank asks sighing.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of Hank. I get why you are worried." I tell him as I write some information down on my research.

"Yeah I know, but I shouldn't be, right?" Hank asks sitting down on a chair.

"It's normal. You are Mandy's adopted father after all." I tell him shrugging.

"Yeah, but she doesn't treat me as such." Hank mutters.

"Didn't you tell her not to call you daddy?" I ask with a smile tugging upon my lips.

"Shut up Mitsbee! How's the cure going?" Hank asks changing the subject?

I let out a sigh as I set down my pen before turning towards him with a frown, "Not good. I keep getting negative effects. I'm not sure if I'll be able to find a cure this year. It might take me longer."

"I'm not sure if we have that long." Hank tells me a matter of fact.

"What do you mean?" I asked glancing over at him.

"The zombies ran away for a reason, and I suspect that maybe it's because they were turning." Hank tells me his tone going colder.

"You don't have to worry about those two zombies converting into full zombies." I tell Hank sighing.

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