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I left my father in that room as I searched for another way out of here. If I can't go the way I came in, then maybe if I go higher will be better. I head straight for the stairs before quickly climbing them to the roof. I need to hurry and get back because I'm not dying here. If anything I'll die by the ocean watching my friends leave on the boat, heading to safety. That's where I'll die, not here in this forsaken lab where my father turned me into this monster. I shake my head trying to calm my anger as I reached the top. I look behind me as I feel a bit upset and guilty that I had to leave my mother behind. She's already in pain, even in eternal sleep. I'm not sure what my father was thinking.

I shook my head as I pull the doors open before walking out onto the roof. I look around at the sky and noticed that the sun is setting already. I walk towards the edge as I lean over and saw that the whole building is surrounded by toxic waste. How am I going to get back over now? The tree and car hood I used to get here is now gone, and the rope along with it. I look around the rooftop to see if there's anything that I could use but there's absolutely nothing around. Think Loki. Think! I thought to myself as it's so hard to do so as my headache is throbbing. I don't want to die here. I don't want to miss my chance to say goodbye to my friends. I told Hank I'll be back before the second group leaves, but if I'm not then he will come looking for me. I don't want him to. It's too dangerous. What am I going to do?

I fall onto my knees as there's nothing that I can think to do. I take the communicator off of my head as it's giving me such a migraine. I drop it next to me as I feel like I failed. I don't want to be here. I don't know what else to do to help me get across this stupid waste. The toxins in the air are stronger and I can hear the waste burning and sizzling everything as it slowly spreads throughout the town. The toxins in the air are making my nose tingle as it's starting to bother me the longer I linger out here. I shouldn't stay out here but I don't want to go back inside. I don't want to be near him.

"You want to leave that badly?"

I jump up before turning around seeing my father standing at the doorway. I notice that he wasn't wearing a mask to protect himself from the toxins. I put on my communicator back on as I fast walk towards my father. I grab him by his shoulder roughly before shoving him back inside where there aren't any toxins. For now at least. I'm sure that open window will bring some inside soon. I push him towards the wall before glaring at him irritated.

"What are you thinking coming outside without a safety mask?" I ask angrily.

"I'm already dying, so who cares?" He asks looking up at me.

I open my mouth to say something but close it as I let out a scoff. I crossed my arms as I went to go back downstairs when he stops me. I turn towards him with a glare as he stares at me with no expression, and I notice that he's barely standing as well. I'm not going to carry him if that's what he's thinking, he managed to walk up here he can go back down. Honestly, he shouldn't have followed me in the first place.

"If you want to leave here, then I might be able to help you. You just have to trust me." He says to me seriously.

"Trust you? Are you kidding?" I ask with a scoff pulling my arm out of his hands.

"Jayden I know I didn't give you any reason to trust me, but if you want to live then trust me just this once." He almost pleads with me.

I stare at him trying to figure out if I should or not. I will never trust him, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to at least hear him out. It's not like the building is slowly melting or anything. I roll my eyes as I crossed my arms before nodding to him telling him I'll hear him out just this once. He nods with a small weak smile before he started to explain his plan to get me back over. I furrow my eyebrows at him confused at his strategy, it doesn't sound like it would work but get me killed. I don't know if he's trying to help me or kill me off. I would believe the latter since I am a bloody zombie. When he finished explaining the plan I wanted to laugh at his stupid plan but I didn't. It sounded ridiculous and dangerous but it also might work. I hate that the man I despise is now someone I'll have to listen for now. If this plan works then I'll never have to see him again.

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