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"Start explaining, and I advice start explaining about who this guy is." Mandy orders coldly as she glared daggers at Aaron who is leaning against the wall casually.

When we bumped into Mandy, George, and Darren we instantly went to a safer place to talk. The closest building was Beth's house, so we naturally went there before locking the door. I felt weird being back here for the third time, and knowing that she's upstairs in her bed dead makes me uncomfortable. I know it makes the others uncomfortable as well, but Mandy, George, and Darren are very impatient and we can tell that they aren't happy about us running away from there safe haven that night. Darren especially as he kept glaring daggers at me and looks like he wants to kill me. I thought as he's pulled Savanna away from everybody and closer to him. She protested but he wasn't having it and wouldn't let her argue.

In my defense I was planning on leaving alone, but the others wanted to come with me. It's hard to fight back when your mute. So I had no choice but to let them tag along, plus Savanna is very stubborn. I had a feeling she would've followed no matter what so in reality it's her stubbornness fault. The twins I have no idea why they wanted to come, well I kind of do with Alice. She's like me and is being treated unfairly but I understand why. They don't trust us. We are zombies. Why would they trust undead people that could turn and kill them at any moment?

"Well, it's kind of a long story." Savanna starts as she tries once again to get out of her brother's protective arms.

"We have some time." Mandy spits bitterly before leaning back in her chair as she lays her assault rifle across her lap.

"Well, we will just give you a quick short version." Alex says sounding like he doesn't want to explain everything that just happened.

"Then do it." Darren hisses impatiently.

"Aaron is a family friend of Loki's when he was alive, and Loki's real name is Jayden Bitts and his father is alive still. But I don't want to talk about his father! That man makes my skin crawl and I hate him with what he did to Loki and to this world! I can't imagine what he feels, well I guess I can he's very pissed about the whole thing and I can't blame him one bit and-" Savanna starts to explain but started to go off track until Aaron interrupts her, "Your getting a little off track there but yes Harold is the one to blame for everything."

"Harold?" George asks seeming to be in deep thought.

"Yes, he's Jayden's father and a scientist. He created the zombie apocalypse and turned his son into one of the undead as well." Aaron explains calmly.

"Wow okay. That's something unexpected." Mandy says glancing over at me before looking back over at Aaron, "Your a friend of his?"

"I was." Aaron nearly spats.

"So now what? If the man who started this is still alive, then shouldn't we do something about it?" George asks glancing over at me before looking away at everyone else.

"We should yes, but first we should talk with Hank and Dr. Mitsbee about all of this." Mandy says standing up.

"Where is Dr. Mitsbee?" Aaron asks pushing himself off from the wall.

"He's back at our base. Why? Do you know him?" Mandy asks raising an eyebrow at him.

"I did. We met a few times back at the lab, before this whole thing started." Aaron explains to her.

"Hm. Okay then let's head back before we are seen by anymore zombies." Mandy says as she stands up with her assault rifle in hand.

I watch as everyone starts heading towards the door but I felt guilt and anger. I feel like this is all of my fault as well, since it was my father who started this and I pretty much helped him start it that day. I can't go back with them. I'm too dangerous. I'm not sure if I'm trustworthy to be around. So many things happened when we were out here and it proves that I shouldn't be around these guys. I keep getting urges to bite Savanna when she's too close to me, and all I feel now is anger towards my father. What if I snap at one of them? I thought worriedly. I can't and won't forgive myself if that happens. I need to stay away, and I need to go back and confront with my father. Alone. I need to do this before I die or lose myself completely. Who knows how much time I'll have until I turn completely into a zombie.

"You coming?"

I didn't even jump which surprised me, but I look up nonetheless and saw Mandy standing there. I'm surprised by that but shook my head telling her that I'm not. Mandy tilts her head to side before sitting down opposite of me. I watch her as I never seen her this close to me before, well at least not without George or Savanna. She usually keeps her distance from me as like the others, she doesn't trust me.

"Is this about your father?" She asks almost like she's trying to figure me out.

I nod before looking away.

"So Jayden is your real name?" She asks changing the subject.

I flinch from hearing my real name before turning back towards her wondering why she's questioning me about what we just discussed, but I just shrugged before nodding my head. Mandy pursed her lips before looking away from me like she's in deep thought.

"Funny. You look more of a James to me."

I give her a funny look which made her lips twitch upwards a bit before she went back to frowning. Mandy leans closer to me a bit before she looks serious once again. I stare at her not blinking as I'm confused by her behavior, because she hated me and didn't trust me before right? Why is she here alone now and talking to me? Maybe she's planning on killing me afterward. I confirmed as I wouldn't put it past her.

"What do you prefer? Loki or Jayden?" She asks watching me closely.

I couldn't nod or shake my head for that question so I took out my board out of my bag, before I wrote in messy handwriting my answer to her question. I then hand it to her careful to not touch her as she grabs the board and reads my message. Mandy's lips tug upwards again as she looks back up at me before handing me my board again.

"Loki it is then." Mandy says as she stands up with a sigh before looking back down towards me, "You know Loki after everything that happens in this world, you might be the only weird but unique thing here. I think you might even be the person who will stop all of this someday."

I give her a confused look as I didn't understand what she was going on about. Mandy gives me a small smile as she crosses her arms before glancing over at the opened door. I glanced over at it to but felt like I knew what she was indicting.

"If you have to go, then go. I'm not going to stop you, but be warned Loki there are people who will stop you. Savanna cares about you, and I still think she has a crush on you as weird as that is." Mandy tells me looking back at me.

I look away as that's impossible because she has a beating heart and my heart stopped a long time ago. My father pretty much killed me for his personal gain, and besides I'm hideous and a monster. I'm dangerous to be around. I can't even be near her without having an urge to want to bite her.

"I know Alex and Alice will come after you as well. They are your friends and care about you, but I'm not sure about this Aaron character. He seems like he doesn't care about anything but I think he will come after you and stop you as well." Mandy explains as she's looking towards the doorway again.

I shake my head as I stand up with my board in my hands as I wrote a message on it before handing it to Mandy. She looks down at it before taking it and reading it quickly.

I have to go. Please try and stop them if they try to come after me.

Mandy looks up at me with a frown as she hands my board back to me. I stare at her as she looks almost disappointed, but it could just be my imagination. Mandy let's out a sigh as she nods her head. I put my board back in my bag as she starts walking towards the door. I watch her stop just before she steps outside before she turns back towards me with a hard look.

"I know I probably don't know how your feeling about this Loki, but just remember if you give into your anger you can't go back. Don't give into your anger, and don't do anything you will regret." Mandy tells me before walking out of the door.

I stood there letting out a sigh as I try to think what to do now. I mean she has a point. I can't go back if I do something I regret, but I have to do this. I have to confront my father, and besides it's too dangerous for me to be around everyone else. I just have to suck it up and go and whatever happens, happens. I can't be scared anymore. I can't let what my father did to me scare me any longer so I have to go and get this over with and done with. They will be fine. They are heading back to the base where it's safe. Everything will be fine once I confront my father and get some answers that I want from him. I'm not letting him get away with what he's done that easily. I'll make sure he gets what he deserves.

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