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The moment I came out onto the other side of the cracked wall my body froze. The toxins in the air are stronger. I noticed that the toxic waste is closer as well. We are running out of time and I'm going to have to find a new way to my father's lab. I walk over to a car before climbing onto the hood of it. I look towards the lab and saw that the toxic is already eating away at the building slowly. Instead of it standing to its four-floor height, it's now down by one floor. I felt anxious since I knew it would be very dangerous trying to get close to the lab, but I need answers from my father. I shake my head as I have to try no matter what happens. I jump down from the car before heading towards the building feeling nervous. I look around trying to see if I can find any way to get close to it without killing myself. There isn't much of any path at all as it's all being disintegrating by the waste.

I then caught sight of a car hood just above the waste, and it's enough for me to jump on. I just have to be careful. I walk over as I look around to see if I can see anything else for me to jump onto. There's a tipped-over tree and that's about it. I'm not going to get anywhere with only two things to jump on. I need to figure something else out, and quick. My eyes then landed on some rope that's been abandoned, and my mind started working overdrive. I could use this to get over it. I thought as I walk over to pick up the rope. It doesn't look long enough, but maybe it will work if I use it from the tree. It should just make it to the building. The only problem would be my weight. I don't think this rope will be strong enough, but I have to try as I don't have much time.

I put the rope around my shoulders before I jump on the hood of the car that's still peeking over the toxic waste. I then jump towards the tree nearly missing but managed to grab onto the branch. Now for the tricky part. I took the rope and one arrow before tying one end onto the arrow. I grab my bow before positioning the arrow towards the building, and I made sure to aim it just above a window. I don't need to breathe but I still took in a deep breath before I let go and watch the arrow fly. When the arrow hit and stuck to where I aimed I smiled victoriously, that is until I heard a snap. My smile is instantly wiped from my face as I look underneath me noticing that the branch I'm sitting on is about to break. I started to panic as I didn't know what to use to get over with the rope. The snap sounded again and I just quickly tied the other end of the rope to a tree branch that's above me. I then stood up and prayed that this rope holds me, otherwise I'm good as burn and disintegrated.

I grab onto the rope with my hands before using my hands to walk over. I felt the rope dip downwards making me have to lift my legs, but otherwise, it's holding. For now. I try to go as quickly as I can without making the rope fall, but as I get closer to the window I feel the rope dip lower and lower. Please hang on just a bit longer. I thought not ready to die yet. I'm nearly there when the arrow gave out and fell from the building! I open my mouth to scream but of course, nothing comes out. I push myself towards the window and tried to grab the window sill. I managed to grab it but barely. I grit my teeth together as I tried to pull myself up but I don't have a good grip on it. I once again tried to pull myself up feeling the pain in my dead muscles as I finally managed to pull myself up. I let out a huff as I rolled through the window sill as, to be honest, I couldn't believe I made it.

I lay there for a few more minutes before finally sitting up. I look around the darkroom and noticed that I've never been in here before. It's small, but it's not a closet or a storage room of some sort. I'm not quite sure what this room is. I stood up as my eyes adjusted since I'm a zombie I can see in the dark much easier. I look around the room and saw a big tube-like case in the corner, but I couldn't see what's in it as there's lots of dust covering the glass. I know something or someone is in there, as I can faintly see an outline of something in there. I hesitantly walk over to the big tube-like case before I'm standing right in front of it. I move my hand to wipe some dust off of it but when I put my hand on the case it glowed. I pulled my hand back as the glow kept glimmering, but started to fade after a few seconds. I furrow my eyebrows as I reach towards it again ignoring the glow this time as I swipe away some dust. When I did though my eyes widen in shock and confusion. I step away as I open my mouth in utter shock and this doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Why is this here? Who did this? Did my father do this? Why? Just fucking why? What is he trying to do? Why did he do this to her?

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