Chapter 4

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"Sage! What are you doing here?" Asked Justin all shocked to see me.

"Who is she?" I asked about the girl he was making out as he entered his apartment.

"Why are you here? Why you didn't tell me you are coming?" He ignored me and I asked again trying to control the anger in me "Who. Is. She?" "Kristy" the girl said rolling her hair on her forefinger. "You didn't tell me we are going to have threesome Jus" she said snaking her arms around his waist. All drunk and wasted.

"Sage listen-" before he could complete his stupid justification, I slapped him. "How could you? I loved you and you-Justin how can you do this to me?" I said pushing him. "Calm down, have you lost your mind." He said holding me by my wrists. "Calm down, you are telling me to calm down. Actually you know, you are right." I tried to get a hold myself. I even drank water. "I understand, you might be drunk and things happen, right? But nothing happened yet, that's good, right? Now I am here, you are here, let's move on forget this. Anyways we will be in Vancouver soon." I said holding him trying to get a hold of myself more than him. "Woah woah woah hold on, we will be in Vancouver? " He said all surprised.  "Yes!" I squealed in happiness and hugged him hard. "We can be together honey, always. I am coming with you." He pushed me away. "What the hell are you saying?" He said a bit angry.

"Justin, you said you wanted me to be with you, now I am here, why are you acting so shocked. You love me, right?" I asked a bit scared of the vibes I am getting right now. "Are you crazy? What do you think is this? Another of your Katherine Hagel rom-com? This is life Sage. You were a part of it. Were. Now life moves on and tonight Kristy is a part of it and tomorrow some blonde in Vancouver will be a part of it. You think I am going to spend my whole life with the girl I dated in my highschool. Life had just started Sage-" "No! No, you can't do this Justin, you can't leave me. Tell me this is a joke. Please, don't do this, you love me. You do, I know-" I kept blabbering and begging him, my whole world spinning in front of me.

"Sage listen to me and listen good." He said holding me with my shoulders. "I never loved you. You were a fun girlfriend, I loved being with you. You were the hottest girl in highschool and you would agree that I was the hottest boy, after all I was the football captain. You and I were like meant to be, like every cliché relationship. But Sage we need to move on, you and I were till here." He said like its nothing. "Wha-what are you saying? You are breaking up with me? But today during the graduation, everything was fine, what happened? Why are you saying all this?" I said perplexed. "Yeah, I asked you to come tonight for the after party, if you would have been there, Kristy wouldn't be here, I wanted to spend my last night in the city with you having a blast and then-" "and then what?" "Then I would have gone and you would have moved on too. That's what's supposed to happen. But you didn't come, so I thought cool, it's not like we didn't say our goodbyes at the school" he said with a wink.

"No! No! This can't happen. You love me, you said you loved me" I was saying the same thing on repeat mode. "Yeah I said, so what. You say shit like that to get the girl in bed, doesn't mean I am going to be trapped forever. You weren't the first girl I kissed, and surely you can't be my last. The world is my stage and I am more than willing to play the fields Princess. I am not settling down" he said casually.

I fell on the floor. It was like everything in my life shattered. The man I loved most, more than myself is saying he never loved me. I can't believe, I am waiting to wake up from this nightmare. I never felt this much pain in my life. It felt like someone ripped my heart out. I couldn't even cry.

"You can show yourself out, right or if you want you can join us. You were always my favorite girl anyway" He said with a wink with Kristy in his arms.

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