Chapter 13

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He is here. Why? Was I loud? I remembered the instructions the guard gave me to be quiet, to not disturb him. I was scared at the thought that did I disturb him. Will he take the TV away, no please no

Why is he here? He never came. I never even heard a single voice from outside the penthouse, so why now?

He was still looking so handsome, just like the first time I saw him at our wedding. An absolutely jaw dropping out of this world hero, or villain. The only difference is the shirt is white instead of black. He is so beautiful. Shutup Sage, I drove that thought away and came back to senses by dropping my eyes instead of staring at him.

I was about to say his name but stopped. Thank God I remembered he forbade me to take his name or I would have been dead by now. I still remember his slap. Seeing him his voice echoed and the pain came back like it had happened moments ago.

He snapped his fingers calling me towards him. I walked towards him with trembling feet as he sat on the couch in the living room. I stood in front of him with my eyes on the floor.

"What is your name?" He asked.

Wow, he is married to me for six months and he didn't even know my name. He would have heard it at the wedding from the priest. He didn't even remember that. "I asked what is your name?" He repeated and his tone became slightly agitated. I am not novice to his short temper so I thought to not increase it anymore than it already had. "S-Sa-Sage" I stuttered him my name. I am so frightened that I even stuttered my own name.

"Sage" he repeated and listening my name in his husky voice sent a chill to my bone.

"You know who I am?" He asked. What kind of question is that? Of course I know your name. It's fucking tattooed on my hand, you are the one who forbade me to say it. "I mean what I do, I know you obviously know my name." He explained that he is referring about his position and role in the cartel and not is name, I guess reading my expressions. "Do I have to repeat everything for you to speak?" He said slightly annoyed increasing my fear ten folds. "Y-yes I mea-mean, No-no." What are you saying. "I-I mean I know who you are not that you have to repeat everything" I added realizing what it must have sounded like.

"Hmmmm, go and bring your heels from your closet." He said and I looked at him. What weird demand is that, but I thought it's smarter to not question him if I want to live. I turned and came to my room and picked up a pair of silver stilettoes and brought them in the living room. I kept them on the floor. "Wear them" he commanded and I took off my flip flops and wore the stilettoes. God knows where this is going. "Walk" he ordered leaning back on couch. He crossed his leg resting his foot on his other knee. He sprawled one arm at the back rest of the couch. I looked at him not understanding one bit of this charade that is happening. Also he is so cryptic. He motioned with his other hand for me to go ahead "I told you to walk. So walk." His pitch was not high but his tone held his warning and I obeyed him and started to walk. But I was trembling so much knowing that he is looking at. "Walk like you walked in your highschool prom not like you are going to fall at every next step. You know how to walk in heels, right?" He said in a harsh tone. I gulped in fear c'mon Sage, you can do it. Forget that he is here. I gave myself a little pep talk and closed my eyes for a moment. I opened them and walked across the living room hoping I don't fall. I don't know what he will do if I fail the test or whatever this is. "Stop", he said I halted.

"Can you use the right cutlery for eating, like which spoon is meant for what?" He asked. "Y-yes" I replied. I have followed the protocol whole my life. "Show me" he said. I nodded and turned to the kitchen. He followed me and sat on one of the barstool at the counter table. I took out the leftovers from the refrigerator and he stopped me "Stop, just bring the cutlery and tell me what's for what. I am not going to sit through your dinner." He said with as much rudeness as a human can muster. I nodded and arranged all the spoons. I picked up the knife and fork. My hands were shaking too much under his scrutinizing gaze. The fork fell from my hands before I could have said word. My hands flew to my mouth due to my fear. Dammit. "I-I am so-sorry." I was so scared right now. Even more than when I first came here. "Pick it up and try again." He said in a flat tone. I did what he said and this time I held it too tightly.

I told him about each one one by one stuttering and kept them back making sure not to fall them again.

"Can you make a drink without spilling?" He asked "I-I don't dr-drink" "And I am asking if you can make a drink without spilling, not about your favorite wine. Listen carefully when I talk"

"I-I am so-sorry, yes I guess I can" "You guess you can?" "I-I never made a drink from anyone else" "Ofcourse you didn't. Make a drink for me right now" He said and I stumbled at my place. My mind was racing on how's. I don't know if there is any alcohol here. He let out an irritated sigh. "Top shelf right corner" he said and I nodded and moved quickly towards the cabinet and took out the single wine bottle kept. How I never saw it before, I wondered. I have opened this shelf before.

I brought it and took the wine glass. Placing the glass on the counter I tried to open the bottle but it was giving me a hard time. I was twisting the cork but it wasn't opening. "Fuck" I muttered under my breath while this stupid cork kept embarrassing me by not opening. I stole a gaze and found him staring at me with his hands folded at his chest. He moved closer to me and his hand touched mine making me stumble in surprise. He held my elbow before I could fall and pulled me to him. I closed my eyes in fear as he leaned towards me. I don't know what I was expecting, another slap but nothing came. I opened one eye and realized that he bend to open the drawer at the counter. I gulped as he stood taking out the corkscrew. I cursed myself internally for being so stupid that I was trying to open it with my hands.

He jabbed the corkscrew and rotated it clockwise and it popped open. He slid the bottle towards me. I looked away trying to avoid his eyes that were telling me that I am stupid and made the drink successfully without spilling. I offered him but he didn't take just looked at me and I kept it at the counter. "If you are ever asked to make a drink, you will only serve drink to Don and me, never to anyone else, no matter who is there or how many are there. Clear?" He said rounding the counter reaching the other side where he was sitting. I nodded, though I don't understand that why I am being told this but I preferred nodding instead of asking him. "Always" he added and I nodded again.

"Stand here" he pointed a spot in front of him and I came to his side and stood there. He looked at me from top to bottom. "Turn around" he said motioning with his fingers. I turned around slowly. I still kept my gaze at the floor. I stood back at the same place competing the circle. He gave me a once over and got up.

"Pack a small bag for weekend you are coming with me tomorrow. Be ready at 7am." He said blankly. "O-okay" I replied nodding. He looked at me for a moment and then turned to leave.

"Um-excuse me" I called for him before he could shut the door. He halted and turned "Th-thank yo-you" I said and he raised his brow in confusion "F-f-for the fo-food, and the su-suplies every mon-month and for the TV" specially for the TV. God can I ever speak to him without stuttering. I never used to stutter ever. Not even when I talked to my Father.

I thanked him because I didn't expect him to and yet he has provided me with everything, I would be dead by now if he did not send the guards to refill every month. Also for the TV. I so needed it before I lost my mind.

He didn't say anything though, looked at me with blank eyes and I heard the click of the lock being secured after he shut the door.

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