Chapter 11

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The sun rays coming from the window told me it's already morning but I covered my face with the duvet and kept sleeping. Not that I have anything to do with the day. I don't know how long I slept. Finally I thought to come out of the bed, I had to at some point.

The room was just like I slept. Silent and empty. What I felt last night? Why I felt like someone was here? Probably a dream or my subconscious playing games with me. Drifting the thought I reached the bathroom. I did my business, brushed my teeth and took the shower. I wore the robe kept in the towel compartment for now. I guess I have to wear my wedding dress only. But that is so uncomfortable. I brushed my hair and came out choosing the robe over my wedding dress.

I came to kitchen and thought of having some breakfast. I am hungry now. "Hmmm, let's see what's there, easy enough. So I don't screw up." I said to myself and took out bread. I put it in the toaster pushing the on button. I have never even used a toaster, and I guess I used it wrong as all the smoke was coming out. I took out the plug when I couldn't find the off button. I took the breads that has now turned black. "Crap, you need to figure out how to cook, or you will die off hunger." I scolded myself. I looked at the upper cabinets and found cereals, "this can do for now" I took out a bowl and pour the milk from the refrigerator. I poured the honey puffs, at least I have breakfast for now.

"Hmmm...what to do now?" I turned on the TV again but it was still not working. It's not like I can go out or read something, even my phone was not with me. Even if it would have been I don't think there is any network to use it. The house look pretty clean so I avoided cleaning, not that I am very fond of cleaning chores.

I came back to my room and slept again. I don't when I woke up but its already evening as the sun was set. Cool I slept the whole day, what to do anyways here, thinking I continued lying. Finally my bladder insisted on me getting up. I don't know why I opened the closet after I came out of bathroom, but Thank God I did.

My eyes widen as I saw my bags in there. "My things!" I said in excitement and grabbed them. I was so happy to see them, but then a thought came to my mind that there was someone last night and it wasn't an illusion. Was that him? Did I not just imagine his voice? Did he actually say it? I doubt he would come himself probably the guard who brought me here brought my things too. Whoever it was I am thankful that I got them. I unpacked them and hung my clothes in the closet. I picked out a black tank top and wore it with my blue cotton shorts, not that I am going anywhere that I need to dress up.

The last bag I opened, had the photo of Eve and I. I picked it up and brought it out in the bedroom to keep it aside my bed. I looked at us and fell to the ground holding the bedsheet in my fist and I cried. I cried so hard for the first time since I left my house. I cried for everything, it's like the wave of emotions that was at bay till now came crashing on me. I cried for my broken heart. The betrayal that Justin have given me. I screamed and I cried. I cried in guilt for what happened to Eve. I miss her so much. I cried because I missed my Mom. I cried on the emptiness of my life. I cried on the misfortune it is to be born as Valentino Romano's daughter.

I don't know how long I kept crying, but I slept crying on the floor with her picture close to me.

Days passed and a routine was set by now. I used to wake up somewhere around noon, that's what I think seeing the bright sun. Then I used to clean the whole house. I found the cleaning supplies in the kitchen cabinet and in few days I figured what is for what. The house was cleaned but yet I used to clean it everyday. Every portion. Not even a spec of dust was there, not because I am some cleanliness freak or suffering from any OCD, only because it helped pass the time. With nothing to do I had a lot of time to pass. I used to shower after cleaning and cook breakfast for me. After several failed attempts I am now able to cook eggs and toast and thanks to Betty Crocker I can make pancakes too. With the fruits he provided, I can now put together a good meal for me twice a day. I am still experimenting and learning to cook new dishes and I am getting better at cooking every day. I used to spend my evenings looking from the window of my room. I used to sit there at the quilted cabinet across the window with my coffee and use to lean my head on those iron bars. I used to sit there for hours. Though the house is in the middle of the woods so there ain't much activity outside but the sunsets are beautiful. I see birds sing and squirrels playing in the ground. Lots of squirrels. Peacocks too come here, which is weird because I never heard they inhabited the vicinity. I always read that Florida is where you could see some, but they are beautiful. Nature is so calm and beautiful.

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