Chapter 54

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I almost slept in Rosalynn's lap when the door burst open. We turned to see hoping its Azriel but instead its Dan. "Dan? What are you doing here so late? Where is he?" I asked getting up. "Hey Boyfriend" Rosa said opening her arms for him making us all smile. "Hey girlfriend" he came to her and hugged her. "Why are you up so late?" he asked "Or I should say why you woke up so early, huh?" he said and we all looked at the time and its almost morning. Sun will rise in few minutes. Rosa told him everything that we did. Baking, dancing, talking but she didn't mention about his birthday. Guess she forgot again.

Carlos' phone beeped catching our attention. He exchanged looks with Dan reading the text. "Is it true?" he asked him and Dan nodded.

"What happened?" I asked checking out their expression that weren't giving the positive vibes. They both just kept exchanging looks like debating on who would tell me. "Tell me" I said irritated. Dan let out a sigh and looked outside. "Sabrina, why don't you take Rosa outside. I am sure she would like to see the beautiful sunrise, hmm" he said smiling at Rosa.

"But it's cloudy outside. It looks like its going to rain instead of sun-" "Sabrina" Dan cut her off and trying to signal her that is not the actual reason why he want her outside. Understanding Sabrina told Rosa about watching sunrise excitedly and took her outside.

"Will anyone of you tell me?" I asked again irritated. "Gorgeous actually-" Dan said but stopped midway searching for words. "Ughhh forget it" I snatched Carlos' cellphone. I read the text he received and my eyes widen.

I stumbled at the words as they revolved around my eyes. The phone fell from my hand "Is it true?" I asked stunned. Carlos held me before I could faint. Though he left me soon enough considering Dan was here. "Tell me is it true?" I asked moving towards Dan.

"Is he-is he? Did he do this? Is he the new Don now?" I asked not believing that myself. "Look Gorgeous, you need to get a grip on yourself. Why don't you sit?" Dan said trying to make me sit on the dining table. "D-did he kill his father?" I asked instead. "But he-he didn't want that. Ho-how this happened?" I asked him. "Sage its not that simple" he said "Then tell me, what happened?" I yelled at him. "I don't know, okay!" He yelled back at me.

"I was not there." He told me. "Are you kidding me? How come you were not there?" I countered him. How is this even possible. Azriel will never plan something like this without him. "He made me leave." He told. "He said this is his fight and he will end it alone" he added.

"And you left?" I turned him to face me. "You left? You are his friend, right? He told you to leave and you left him in midst of this" I blasted on him. How could he leave him there.

"Don't you know him. It's always his way." He said jerking my hands away. I shifted and sat on the couch with my forehead in my palms. A glass of water came into my vision and I looked up to Carlos with a glass of water. "He didn't want to kill him." I muttered and he crouched down next to me. "Signora calm down. Have some water it will help you" he said softly. "Killing his own father will devastate him." I said and he held my hand "Here" he brought the glass to my lips and I drank it. I gave it back to him and felt Dan hold my shoulder. "I am sorry Sage, but I couldn't do anything." He said

"Where is he?" I asked getting up. "I don't know but-" "But, what?" "He wasn't too well. He is hurt. A lot." He said and for a moment I forgot to breathe.


"Look I don't know what happened. Why he went there with all this rage? Why he was hell bent on being the Don like there is no tomorrow." He said frustrated. He doesn't know but I know why. I am the reason why. I fought with him so much. Maybe if I would have not started this he would be here. But now I have lost him forever. There is no chance that I will ever get him back. Get Azriel back. He will aways be the Shadow now. Now that he got what he wanted, he will never leave this violence. Why I didn't agree to him. He was so happy today. I cursed myself.

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