Chapter 23

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I brought the dinner on the table but didn't see them anywhere. I set up the table and left to give Carlos and the guards their dinner. "Signora you really don't need to cook for us" Carlos said politely. He is the only man in my life who speaks with this much politeness with me. "I cook anyway, so it's not a trouble" I said and gave him the lasagna. I turned and I saw both Azriel and Dan coming from the penthouse stairs. I wonder what they were doing there. But I went inside before he saw me talking to Carlos. I brought the drinks on the dining table too.

They came and Azriel sat where he sat yesterday with Don's family and Dan on the other side "You think Matteo is going to get married soon, you know, to be the Don" Dan said while sitting. "Yup, I won't be surprised if he already did" said Azriel getting lost in his thoughts while staring outside the the glass doors in front of him. "So what's your plan? You need an heir before that" Dan said and I fumbled serving him the dinner. It almost fell on his pants "I-I am so-sorry" I said fearing God knows what wrath I have invited but he just nodded. I served Dan too and he has a wicked smile mocking my earlier movement. I am not sure what to do after serving them. Do I stay? Do I leave? Unable to decide I was shifting my weight on my legs when he said "Sit" and I sat thanking internally to finally have an answer. "Eat" he said and I started eating.

They kept talking more like Dan was talking Azriel was quite as usual with just a one liner comments now and then and I drifted off to thinking, that all I am good for is following his orders. That's all I do now, he tell me what to do and I do. Back then when I was in high school, if anyone would have told me that my life would only be following commands, I would have laughed and punched them in the face. I have really lost myself, "Sage, stop you know we aren't allowed to go to parties." Eve said throwing the dress back in closet. "Eve stop being a scared mouse, will ya? Look its high school, we wont get these days back. We are bound to go to the party." I said throwing the dress back at her. "Are you crazy, how are we supposed to go, with your hundred bodyguards following us all the time, you see your Father has strictly said no to parties-" "uggghhh stop fearing my Father. Eve I know that's why I have a plan." I said with a wink. "What Plan?" she asked with furrowed brows. "Just relax and wear this, you will look so sexy in these hot pants" I said excitedly. The denim shorts and the white crop top I chose for her was just perfect for her sexy legs. "I am not wearing that. If any one saw us they will kill me" she retorted sitting back on the bed "Eve c'mon please...pretty please" I pouted "Don't, don't do this face with me" I made a face and she lets out a sigh "Look Sage, I don't think so we should this, its too risky" she protested again "Eve just leave it to me, you just come. That's enough" I said and she nodded finally "But I am not wearing these shorts" "Alrighty, how about I wear those, you wear my dress" I said handing her the violet bodycon knee length I was about to wear.

"Now what? How are we going past the security?" she whispered as we peeped out of my door. "Shhh wear it over your dress" I said handling her a hoodie and a lower from behind the door. "What?" "Just do it" I said and we wore a big hoodie and lower. "Stephno, can you please drop us to Eve's house, we have a test tomorrow and my notes are left there." I said to Stephno pleading "Sure thing Singorina, I will take you both" "Thank You" "Come" he said and we moved, I saw him eyeing Eve up and down and I know she gets too conscious if any man look at her with the looks he his giving. I pulled Eve to my side to escape her from his looks and we sat in the limo. "Stephno, we need to study late, so I will sleeping over tonight. You don't have to wait here, I mean I know you don't do night shifts" I said "Don't worry Signorina, I can't leave you here, you know that. I will be here." he said and I shrugged smiling "Sure thing, then we will leave to school from here tomorrow morning" I said and we rushed inside Eve's house. "Now what? how are we going to go?" "Just go and switch on the lights on of your room" I said and she did. "Now take the hoodies off and lets partayyy" I winked at her. I grabbed her to the kitchen, there is a backdoor in her house through the kitchen. We snuck out from there and hailed a cab from the back road. Our cab halted at Amiee's house and blasting music told us we are just right on time "Ta-Da Princess" I said to Eve as we get down the cab "You are mad, what if he knows?" Eve said scared as I kept dragging her "How will he know, he do not venture inside your house and we will be back by the night. Plus Uncle Brandon is out too." I said dragging her to the pool "Hey Princess, you made it!" I squealed as Justin grabbed me by my waist and revolved me "Of course I made it." The party was super fun, we had jell-o shots in the pool. "Sage, its getting late we should go" I heard Eve's voice on the dance floor. I checked out the time and nodded at her. I kissed Justin goodbye and we rushed out "You are super crazy Sage" Eve said laughing "Well girlfriend I promised you a party, I give you a partyyyy" I sang laughing when someone held Eve's wrist. "Hey where are you going beautiful, the party has just started" He said pulling her closer. I could see Eve's disgust on being touched by him. She squirmed in his hold but didn't fight. How can she? She is being literally fed to not fight back the men, we all were. I pulled her away "Let her go Dough, she is not interested" I said to the drunkard jock . "Are you jealous, don't be I can give you both a good time" he said coming closer and Eve hid behind me. "Back off Dough." I said sternly, "Or what?" he commented obnoxiously, "Or" I took a step towards him and kick him in the nuts. He rolled over on the ground holding his balls and I grabbed Eve and we took the cab. We came inside same way as we left. Eve fell on her bed laughing "I can't believe we did it, you are a Rockstar Sage." she said happily, I knew she will have fun at the party except the Dough incident she was happy whole night dancing and she even drank with me. I looked at Stephno still sitting in the limo keeping an eye on us and I smirked. I laid with Eve and we hi-five each other and shut the lights off.

"Back on Earth, Princess" I heard Azriel's rude tone as he snapped his fingers in front of my eyes dragging me back from the memory lane I was strolling "I-I, yo-you were say-saying some-something?" I asked a bit conscious "Yeah and when I say something you listen, you do not day-dream" he said harshly grabbing my jaw "I-I am so-sorry" I said "Just clear the dishes" he aid annoyed leaving my face and got up with Dan. I nodded and started clearing the dishes. No one, literally no one ever used such harsh tone on me. Even my Father was one prik but his angry tone is generally followed by some alleged faults of mine but Azriel, he is just rude for no reason.

I finished my dinner and cleaned the dishes and came back to our room. I saw him already on the bed reading. I didn't know he wore glasses. He was looking so attractive, like a normal twenty six year old, who is fond of reading. He had matt navy blue glasses with square frame. The frame suits his face perfectly. I never could have imagined him reading a classic novel, that too Tale of two cities, Azriel Rivers could do something normal, well who would have thought.

I changed into my pj's. When I entered the closet this morning, I saw my things were already out of the bag and settled. It was organized along with his stuff. He made the same without hampering his own, somehow. He even took out the photograph of Eve and I and kept it it on one of the shelves and I don't know yet if I should take it out and keep it on my bedside.

While coming to bed my eyes fell on the wedding dress. I looked at it and avoided. I came and sat on the bed facing the patio with my legs dangling on the floor. I looked at it again, I was feeling weird, like a part of my day is being taken away from me. I feel embarrassed to iron it in front of him, but there is a restlessness brewing up in me knowing I am going to sleep without doing it. Like you feel when you are too hot and sweaty and couldn't take a shower. I don't think so I can sleep so I got up and went inside the closet. I brought the steam iron and ironed it. I set fall of the skirt as it was supposed to creasing all the pleats. I adjusted the veil and when it looks just as new, I let of a sigh of relief. I smiled to myself and turned only to find him staring at me. Okay now the embarrassment hit me. I stole my gaze and kept the iron back inside and lied on the edge of the bed. He didn't say anything but then I felt his weight shifted from the bed. He came to my side and I felt his hand on my leg that jolted me up. I swallowed in fear as I realized what he is doing. He took my ankle and I felt the iron on my skin "P-please d-don't. Yo-you don't ha-have to" I said pleading to not chain me up but he didn't listen he tied my ankle in the shackle attached to the bed post just like it was when I woke up today morning "I don't have to, I want to and that's all that should matter to you" he said standing up with his arms folded at his bare chest and I nodded meekly in response. I laid down back facing the closed glass doors of the patio. "I cannot live in chains Eve" I remembered what I used to say to Eve. I laughed at the fact that I never thought that I will be literally tied in chains.

I looked at the bed side clock it say 1 am, letting out a sigh and coming out of my pity party, I turned to another side and saw him still reading. He hasn't slept, I thought. He was reading with the lights off only with the little light coming from his side of lamp. That must be straining. I flicked open the light on my side too and he looked at me surprised "I-its no-not good for eyes to read in so littl-little lights." I said still with a shaky voice. He turned to me fully and for a minute I got scared remembering that last time I thought of his comfort he slapped me. I closed my eyes as his arm stretched towards me anticipating a slap, it didn't come, instead he switched off the lights. I looked at him thinking why he did that. It would have helped him. "Its late you should sleep" he said and left the room with his book. "W-wait" I said and he halted. "No-nothing" I blurted out and he left. what was that, why I asked him to wait. Maybe because I am tired of being alone. I want to talk to someone, even if its him. His presence may be a dark shadow but atleast its something. Better than this loneliness. You really have lost your mind Sage I said to myself brushing that thought away.

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