Chapter 44

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I came out of the room hearing loud noises and when I came out Azriel was yelling at Carlos. He stiffened seeing me and Azriel turned too look at me and nodded for Carlos to leave. "What happened? Why-why are you so angry?" I asked reaching him. The same thing I asked him last night when he came. He was so aggressive. He is rough but I never saw him this aggressive but last night was like he was punishing me and himself. I asked him then too that why is he so angry and he kept quite. But angry sex I still can expect but this, I have never seen him loosing his patience and yell like this on the guards. "Nothing" he said moving towards the door. "Wait, wo-won't yo-you have breakfast?" I asked he just shook his head and barged out of the house. That's strange I thought.

I went to the kitchen and took out the eggs for breakfast. I made scrambled eggs and bacon. I knocked at the main door and one of the guards opened the door. I gave him the breakfast and he took it with a thank you. I saw Carlos smoking and banging his foot on the pillar. Guess he is angry too.

The house seems awfully quite today, Dan is not here and neither is Sabrina chirping here and there. I set the breakfast on the table and went to her room. I knocked on the ajar door "Hey Sabrina" I said stepping in. She is lying on her bed. She lifted her eyes and they were so red. "Sabrina? Are you crying?" I asked as I reached her. She got up and hugged me and kept on crying. "Hey what happened?" I asked brushing her back to quite her down. "I want to go home Sage. I don't want to be here. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him" she said between her cries.

He fought with her again, why he don't understand that she is not use to this. "Look at me" I pulled her face "What happened? Did you guys have a fight?" "He always blames me for not getting pregnant yet. What can I do if I am not pregnant yet. It's not fair" she wailed. Ofcourse it's not fair. "I got all the tests and everything done before marrying him. Whatever he demanded the fertility tests and what not" she told me. "He made you took those tests?" I asked surprised, I never thought that. "Yeah Dan said it's part of the deal. Since the purpose of this contract marriage is the child so they ought to be sure" she explained. "They checked everything. He knows everything. There is no problem in me. Why is he blaming me? He fought so much with last night and he hurt me so much." She said crying more. "I can't even walk properly this morning" she said and I hugged her again.

I wiped her tears and gave her a smile. "He is not here right now. Let's not ruin him your day, okay" I said lifting her chin. I brought her to my bathroom since the guest bathroom only had the shower. I got her a bath ready by adding my favorite lavendar epsom salt. I told her to take the bath and let herself relax. I took that breakfast back and made her favorite banana pancakes. I know she loves my pancakes. I prepared that with blueberries just like she liked and coffee with extra cream.

She came out wearing a floral sundress by the time I got the food ready. "Feeling better?" I asked because I know the bath would have relaxed her muscles. "Much" she said. "Woah, pancakes. Awesome!" She said all cheerful and I smiled.

We spend the day together. She told me about her and Charlie's antics, what all they used to do, how she used to read him stories at night. I painted her nails and gave her hair cut too reading from a magazine. She loved it. She had to, I used to do this to Eve all the time. She never goes to salon with me so I was her salon.

"Woah you are so talented" she said happily swirling her hair in front of the mirror. I chuckled at her. "Hey I have an idea!"

She urged to give me highlights "Um-Sabrina I don't think so. I don't know how he will react, just let it be. Let's concentrate on you, huh" I said trying to dodge this idea that could get me in God knows what troubles. Though he never said what I should wear or how to keep my hair but yet his words my beautiful obedient toy echoed in my ears. What if he doesn't find it beautiful? He is already in a bad mood and what if it triggers it more. "Oh C'mon don't do this now. You made me happy so much now it's my turn now. You will look even more beautiful. You never come with me whenever I go out and now again you are not listening to me." she said making me sit on the chair in front of the mirror. It's being a while, a whole year that I went to a salon. I don't need it because I can do everything myself but I miss the pampering. But going out is not an option for me, she however, can go whenever she wants. "Okay but don't overdo it, just a strand or two OK?" I said and she clapped her hands excitedly. "Yayyyy. But I will chose the shade" "Ofcourse Your Highness" I said and we laughed.

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