Chapter 9

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The drive was silent except for the music blasting from his stereo. He was driving fast. Does he not care about the speed limits, I scoffed at the thought internally. Why a man like him will care about anything?

We passed our block and Justin's apartment came into vision. He must have left by now, I thought. I could see fading images of the day when Justin gave me key to his apartment. He gave me a silver necklace with his apartment key as the pendant. I smile came to me as our laughs echoed in my memories and then the smile turned into silent tears and voices faded.

I remember how happy I was with him, I also remember the pain he gave me. He is the reason why I am feeling so empty. It's like I gave him everything in me. Now I don't have anything left in me. I want to be angry at him, hate him, yet I am not able to feel anything at the moment except this grief.

The drive is long, we are driving for an hour now. The city seems to leave behind, where are we going? I wonder but couldn't gather the courage to ask him. Not that he was interested in talking either. He didn't even look at me since we left the venue. Not that he spared much looks to me at the venue. He didn't even look at me when I was staring at him. When he lifted my veil, his concentration was on the ceremony while I, I forgot why and where I was. It was just him and his eyes for that moment.

The car halted breaking my thoughts. I looked around and we are in the woods. Wondering why are we in the woods my eyes fell on a high slope ahead which had a house at the landing. Amidst the woods. 

It wasn't a mansion but not too small either. It was more of a cottage, slightly bigger than a cottage but smaller than a bungalow. He pressed a button in his car keys and the iron gates opened.

He pulled up in the driveway and a man with the gun came running. He saluted him and he gave him his keys probably to park his car. I got off the car not that he is going to be chivalrous to open the door for me.

I came to his side and looked at my new home. I saw two more gunmen at the main door who opened the door and bowing slightly to him as he climbed the four stairs to reach the main door. I followed him. The guards were shocked to see me. Probably because of my attire guess they didn't know today was their boss's wedding. Seeing him with a bride might have startled them. They exchanged looks with each other but didn't voice out their confusion just slightly bowed at me too. I gave them a soft smile.

I stepped inside my new home and the door shut behind me. I stepped further inside, I saw wooden interior. Rustic I must say, the furniture too gave a vintage vibe.

"Don't touch anything, don't ruin anything" he spoke to me for the first time since we left the church. What's that supposed to mean? I thought. How can I not touch anything? Like literally. He was not looking at me. He dropped his key in the bowl at the table aside the main door and took his gun out from his waist and kept on the coffee table. He took out his cigarette and was about to lit it when I tried to understand what he actually meant by this "B-but A-Az-Azriel -" before I can even stutter the complete sentence I felt a ringing sensation on my left cheek. I brought my shivering hand to the spot where I felt excruciating pain as my eyes widen with the realization that he backhanded me. Even with the protection of my veil, I tasted blood from the corner of my lips. He slapped me. Not even my Father ever slapped me. His slap was harder than all the beatings I ever felt in my entire childhood.

He pulled me closer by pulling my hair from under my veil. My eyes met his empty ones and he broke the silence explaining me why he just slapped me "Don't ever say my name. It's Master for you, I am your fucking owner not some looser from your highschool. Don't ever disrespect me again. You are my toy now Romano Princess better you start behaving like one." He left me with a jerk and disappeared inside the house. While I was standing there stunned. What just happened?

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