Chapter 47

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The first emotion that should come to me should be jealousy and in a way I was prepared for that, but that is the farthest thing to me right now.

I have never seen eyes so innocent. She is so beautiful. Her eyes were glittering and the sound of her laughter was like a beautiful melody. Her blonde hair were short and reached her shoulders. She looked older than me, maybe around forty or more or less maybe. I couldn't make out. But her innocence was like a five year old. Her face was glowing as the sunlight was falling on pale cheeks.

I saw her coughing suddenly due to laughing continuously and Azriel rushed towards her. He quickly gave her the glass of water patting her back "Hey Rosa, easy Tesoro. Calmati, amore" (easy sweetheart. Calm down, love) he said to her in a soft voice. A tone I never heard from him before. I never knew he knows how to talk without arrogance and rudeness lacing his words.

I noticed a glint of mischief in her eyes she held the glass and looked at him stealing her gaze while he was patting her back she tumbled the glass making him drench and started giggling and clapping at her own silly game. "Rosa!" Azriel said with a gasp "You-" he said and tickled her and she laughed even harder. Her laugh was so infectious that it made me laugh.

And I did laugh.

My eyes widen as the voice of my laughter reached my ears. And so did his. Azriel turned towards the door and his laughter died faster than I could blink my eye. His eyes became furious and I stepped backwards.

Before I could even gather the courage to enter the room his eyes made me move backwards. He got up from the bed while Rosalynn kept on laughing oblivious to my presence.

He brushed his hand in her hair and marched towards me. I gulped moving backwards. He ate the distance between us in three long strides and held my elbow. I winced at his grip as he dragged me towards the end of the corridor. He barged opened a door and pushed me outside. I looked around and found that we are in a park.

"How dare you?" He said and I felt a stinging pain in my cheek. I held the spot where he slapped me. Not that I was not expecting it, but it didn't affect me. I looked at him and my eyes were still ignoring his anger and all I could see was him laughing inside.

"What made you think you can disobey me and live for another moment" he said with gritted teeth. His fingers were piercing my skin of my arms. "Why?" I murmured almost in a whisper. "Dan, right Dan must have brought you here, he is dead, I-" he said ignoring my question or maybe he didn't hear. "Why?" I asked again cutting his rant off. I finally gained his attention. "No Dan, no Sabrina" I said cupping his cheek "Just you and I. And between us just one question. Why? Why you want to he the Don?" I asked him.

He looked at me and his eyes were masked with the same coldness like always. I wanted to see them alive like he was inside. Why can't he be like this with me?

"What stupid question is that?" He said brushing my hand off and turning away from me. "I want to be the Don, because I deserve it-" He added and I cut him off before he could use the same parroted words again. "No" I turned him to face me. "Don't give me this that it's your right which is taken away from you because you are a bastard son. Tell me the real reason. The reason that burns in here." I said patting his chest point his heart. "The pain that is burning you every moment" I said and he jerked me away. "There is no other reason, stop concocting stories in your head."

"You are lying and I want the truth." I said and he pulled me harshly with my elbow "And how are you so sure that I am lying" "Because I know you hate killing" I said looking into his eyes and he left my hand taking a step back.

I knew he hated it. I have seen it in his eyes. His whole body language says how much he tries to hide this. He struggles so hard to hide that every time he kill it effects him and he do hide it good but we are closer than that. He might kill loosing his temper but he hates killing on Don's command. Every time Dan brought a photograph I saw him holding it so tightly in aggression. Aggression that comes because he has to kill again. I have seen him pitying the person in the photo. I have seen him getting sad at the point that the person has failed in making his move against Don.

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