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One year later

"Here comes the cheeseburgers" I said placing the tray on the window and pressed the bell. It rang making the ding sound.

"Finally the last order" Carlos said picking up the tray and we chuckled. It is really crowded today. Carlos says I am the best chef that's why our little Cafe has become so successful in such little time.

We opened this little Cafe downtown and we named it Rosa, after the woman we love. She is not with us now. She was already so hurt I hope she is at peace now.

That morning when she heard the name Alexander her emotions bombarded on her.

All this time she had locked her worst memories in a box and threw the key away. She had concocted a cocoon of safety around herself. Her innocence, her delusion, her ignorance gave her the safety from this pain. But in that moment that cocoon shattered. The bridge that she burned between her and her past built like into a canal flushing the water of her memories in full force. Her emotions overwhelmed her heart. And when Azriel fell on the floor from her lap and she said to let him sleep, she closed her eyes too.

The doctors at the emergency told us that her heart stopped because she couldn't take the trauma.

"Let's go" Carlos said peeping in the kitchen and I nodded smiling. He gave my coat and we closed the Cafe.

"Its chilly" I said rubbing my palms together as we came out at the streets. "Here let me help you with this chilly breeze" he said taking my hands in between his and I giggled. Carlos and I, we came real close during this time. He stayed.

My phone broke my musings, I smiled seeing Dan's number "Hey Gorgeous" he said as I answered. "What's up babe?" Came the chirpy voice of Sabrina. "Hey guys" I greeted my favorite couple on this earth. They are so meant for each other, like they say birds of same feather flock together. She is so similar to him. Adventurous, bold, peppy and with a great sense of humor. "I just wanted to remind you that you are coming tomorrow right" she said "Ofcourse I am, it's your baby shower how will I not, I am the godmother of your child" I said and we laughed. "That you are Gorgeous" he said smiling. "Alright then, cya" "Cya babes". "Listen listen!" Sabrina stopped before I could hung up. "Tell Carlos, Charlie is waiting for his baseball kit. Don't you both forget that" she said "Yeah I will tell him" I told and we hung up.

"After you" said Carlos opening the car door. I gave him an approved nod. "Well you need to go shopping tomorrow" I said locking my seatbelt as he settled in the driver seat. "Shopping for what" he asked bewildered. "Well you promised Charlie a baseball kit on their wedding, and you haven't brought it yet" I reminded and he let out a sigh making me laugh. I know he hates shopping. But he loves to make promises and always gets trapped in it.

I turned on the radio and he switched the channel. "Ahh...what is this?" I slapped his hand and flipped the channel back. "What, it's my turn!" He said. "Nuh-uh it's my turn" I protested. We have the most opposite taste in music so after a lot of fight we decided that we get alternate days. "You played yesterday it's my turn today" he said adamantly. "No I will get this turn because you lost the bet." I said switching it back. "What bet?" he asked not understanding. I raised a brow giving him a look and he realized what I am talking "Ofcourse" he said giving me a dry smile. "Yeah I learnt to ride Capo before the year ended" I told him. I was trying to learn horse-riding since months and finally yesterday I did it. "Yeah, you were a pathetic rider, how could I have imagined that you could ever" he teased and I gasped and hit him on the chest "I am not, you are a pathetic teacher" I stated. "Alright, alright. You won like always" he said and I flipped my hair throwing him the attitude.

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