Chapter 20

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My eyes widened at what Don said. Matteo got up from his seat furiously "YOU CANNOT DO THAT DAD. YOU CANNOT LET A BASTARD BE A DON" He shouted. Wow he has the audacity to disrespect Azriel in his own home. I was surprised to see Azriel quiet and composed. He didn't loose his calm. "Will you sit down? If you want to be Don then stop being a manwhore and settle down. Have a kid." Don said calmly. Though his tone was calm but nothing about it. "You cannot do this to me. I am supposed to be the Don." He retorted. "No it is always written, the son with the first legitimate heir becomes the Don. Why do you think I didn't succeed previous Don, your grandfather and my younger brother did. I became Don because he died an uneventful death before his son could be of age. I didn't succeed my father because Azriel was not my legitimate son. But now either of you give me a legitimate son and become the Don." He told. The story was known to everyone in the Mafia family. It is said in hushed whispers that Don killed his brother to be the Don and even blackmailed his wife and son to stay away from the Mafia family. They are settled in Rome and they never interfere.

"But that's not fair, he married on the day I was supposed to marry, had I got married, I would have given you the heir by now" said Matteo. I hate him so much. "He did because you refused. If you wanted you should have gone ahead-" " and marry a whore!" Matteo cut Don in between "Enough!" I heard Azriel for the first time.

He got up and stepped towards Matteo. "You become Don, you don't become Don. Your Father chose you, me or your sidekick here. I don't give a fuck but next time you insult my wife I will kill you. And that's not a threat it's a promise brother mine" he said holding Matteo from either of his arms. "Don't forget that, you know I don't repeat in words" Azriel placed his threat creasing his dress shirt giving him a warning not too subtle.

Matteo was about say something when Don said "That's the rule Matteo, I suggest you go get married if you want to be the Don." Matteo gave me a look and went out followed by Zayn. "You can show yourself out, I guess" said Azriel and moved inside, how is he so rude to Don. "That was a lovely dinner child" said Don patting my head leaving the door followed by Lorenzo and Carla.

Some giggles caught my attention and I turned towards the voice and saw Ava with Azriel. She was laughing as he pinched her cheeks. She hugged him and then she came to me "It was lovely meeting you Sage. Hope we can catch up sometime" she said hugging me "I would love to Ava", I said with a smile. She gave Azriel a hug again and left.

As she stepped out whatever happiness I saw on Azriel's face gone too.

"You seem close to Ava" I don't know where I got the courage. One look from him and that courage ran out the door. I shifted my gaze to the floor and turn to go to the penthouse when his hand on my shoulder stop me. "Come in my room" he said without looking at me and turned on his heels to go inside the house a bit too quickly.

I, however, couldn't make my feet move. Why he wants me there? It's already night, we should be sleeping.

I gulped the lump in my throat as I braced myself and took the turn. I knocked at his door and his crisp voice came "Come in". I stepped inside. He was sitting in that same chair as he was when I first came here "Lock the door", he ordered and I turned the lock behind my back. The click sound told me that I have successfully locked myself in the lion's den.

He motioned me to come closer with his hand and I took few steps towards him. Remembering the last encounter in his room I was about to kneel when he stopped me with a gesture by his palm. He got up instead and stepped closer to me.

He lifted my chin with his finger making me shift my eyes from floor to him. "You heard what Don said" he said and I swallowed. In my heart I knew this would come up and I so wanted it to not. I nodded my head because I was supposed to reply. His fingers moved down from my chin to my neck and my breathing became erratic. I tried to curb down the sobs as tears started to well up. I don't want this. I don't even know him. How can he want this, he hates me. Moments ago I was sitting at his feet with his shoe in my face literally and now he wants a child with me. Is it that mechanical with these people?

His fingers reached my shoulders to the strap of my dress "P-pl-please" I pleaded in a whisper. "Please what Doll" he asked with a smirk "I-I do-don't wa-want" I stuttered, "You don't want what?" he asked. Why is he making me say it? I heard a light chuckle and his hand was back at my chin. His lifted my face up and wiped a lone tear that went down my cheek. I took the support of the mirror before my knees give up and I fall. He is too close and too intimidating. "Oh Sage" he said in a pity "I pity you" and he even voiced it out "You heard Don, and unfortunately for you, I so very well have every intention of becoming the Don" he said and my stomach churned and it felt like I was about to faint. "Breathe Sage" he whispered in my ear and I tried to catch my breathing as he stepped away patting my head.

"You will be staying here in this room from now. Be the lady of the house you are supposed to be. Clean, cook and sleep in this room." I was stunned at his command. Why, now he wants me to be the lady of the house. And what exactly does that change? Am I free now? "Not that it changes much. You will not leave the house, just that instead of penthouse you will be living here". He answered the unasked question lighting a cigarette in his mouth. So just address of my prison is changed. I am still the prisoner.

"Don't ruin anything in this room." He said stepping out. "Don't touch anything, don't ruin anything" what he said right now brought back the memory of what he said on the first day. If I am so ruining his stuff why is he keeping me here. I huffed. Because he wants to have a child with you. My inner conscience reminded me of what happened minutes ago bringing back all the nervousness back.

I was pacing nervously in his room when there is a knock at the door. It startled me but I am relaxed as I know it can't be him. He never knocks. I opened and there was Carlos with all my suitcases. "Signora, Boss wants your things to be here." He said and pushed my bags inside. "Thank you" I told him for bringing my clothes and stuff from the penthouse.

Great now set up everything again. I pulled my bags in his closet. I switched on the light and I saw a closet not much bigger than the penthouse one. I expected an extravagant closet but I saw a quite simple closet. Filled with mostly blacks, greys and blues. It's a mix of formal and casual clothing. The closet was quite organized. Nothing seems extra, not too many shoes, not too many watches just enough sets. The only thing in too much abundance the the bullets and knives stocked at the right last corner in three chest drawers. I shut them with a bang.

I don't see any space in the closet and his things were kept in such an organized manner I couldn't see any room for mine. So I decided to keep my stuff in the bags only for now. Who knows when he snaps and I have to go back to penthouse? I shook my head at the thought.

I arrange my things at the corner. I opened one of the bags and changed into my pj's. I repacked the bags and set them in the corner when my eyes went to my wedding gown that was packed separately.

I remembered ironing it every night before sleeping. It had became like a ritual for me. Not even one night I slept without it hanging in front of me. I unpacked it and hung it at the corner hook. It might be inside the closet yet like this atleast I can see it everyday and iron it to keep it as beautiful as the first day.

I was about to lay down on the bed as I am so tired already but then I remember his comment when I first sat in his bed. So I moved to the wing backed leather chair he sits in. I sat and folded my feet up and rested my head at the hood of the chair. My eyes wondered in his room. The room has his vibe altogether. Anyone who knows him can see and tell this room belong to him. It's filled with his cologne and smell of whiskey. Even his bed was black rot iron. Though it looks more comfortable than mine. It's bigger. The sheets were too black silk. Even this chair or now that I see all the furniture in this room is all black. The drapes though are grey net. I see his gun lying around on the bed chest. What if I kill him with this? I smiled at the thought. How childish would that be? What's the point of killing him, anyway?

I got more comfortable on the chair and don't know when my eyes became heavy and slipped into deep slumber.

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