Chapter 12

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I was looking at her from the video feed. It's been six months. She has really settled in. Set herself up a routine. She is improving in cooking too. The first day she was here she burnt a simple toast. Guess she never cooked there at her house, but now in these six months she is improving everyday. I see her trying, failing, trying again and when get herself a good meal she feels so proud of herself.

She cleans too quite thoroughly if I hadn't known better than I would have taken her for an OCD freak but I know she doesn't know shit about household chores because she couldn't understand the difference between floor cleaner and glass cleaner in the initial days. Can't blame her she was living in a castle till now surrounded by hundreds of maids doing her bidding all the times. Not the likes of us who had to do everything themselves.

I remembered sitting here watching her when the days she used to check on TV. She turned it on everyday and set back the remote with disappointment. After four months one day I picked up my phone "Carlos come to my office" I called for him and he was there in a moment. "Set the TV connection in her room." I told him and he left nodding. Guess my Doll needs some rewards for being such a good girl in all these months. Every month when I go there to refill the things I remember the look of her face when for the first time she realized that stuff is getting over. She was so astounded at the possibility. I laughed looking at her trying to stretch the ration. Poor girl ate once a day that week thinking she could make it last longer and the excitement she had on her face when she found it stocked up.

When she got her TV working she literally danced. I see she never turns it off. No matter what she is doing cooking, cleaning, sitting at the window, bathing the first thing she does waking up is switch on the TV. Strange that is but I see she feels more safe with the TV. She stopped singing since she got TV and I am grateful for that because man she doesn't know how to sing. She turn the TV off only at night before she go to bed. She still does this thing with her wedding gown. I never understood what's with this. But everytime she is satisfied that the dress is set up good as new a weird peace comes to her face. She sleeps looking at it everyday.

I must say I am surprised that she never demanded to open the door. She never complaint about anything. But why didn't she? Right now she is sitting by the window looking outside drinking her coffee. She use to sit here everyday look outside with longing eyes and a smile on her face. She even chuckles sometimes looking at the little animals that come out here but never bangs on the door to let her out. She is never loud. She never disturbed me or demanded for anything.

I was drowned in her when someone came inside "Drooling over your Doll" said Dan and I switched off the feed. "Its called keeping an eye not drooling." "No its called stalking" he said and I shook my head. "Why do you keep her away from you? I mean she is yours. Bring her here and she will sit here right in front of you for as along as you want to look at her. And yeah news flash you can touch her too" he said making fun of me.

"Why are you here, again?" I asked irritated. "Dude you are forgetting I have a room in this house" "No Dan I have a guest room in this house and you calling it your room doesn't make it your room." I countered. I know he keeps some of his stuff here because we do stake out sometimes and he stays here for those.

"Haha very funny" he said sarcastically. "Anyways I came here to remind you what's tomorrow." "What's tomorrow?" I said and my eyes went to my desk calendar. "Fuck!" I said leaning back on my chair seeing the circled date. "Its already time" I said "Yup La Roma ti aspetta amico mio" he said winking. (Rome awaits you my friend).

I hated this event. Every fucking year. It's such a big propaganda for nothing. "This time you won't be going alone" he said raising a brow and I asked him confused "I never go alone, you come with me every year" I told him not understanding what he said. "No looser, I am not talking about me, you have your wife now. You have to take her" "Fuck I do." I said placing my forehead on my palm. I haven't thought of it.

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