1: Sunset

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Hey there! Thank you so much for clicking on this Bakudeku Fanfiction! Before we begin: If you are not into gay things, then this story is not for you. This story was inspired from two characters from the anime: My Hero Academia (Izuku Midoriya & Katsuki Bakugou). Enjoy, and don't forget to vote and comment!

-Sucky Author

Izuku Midoriya giggled as he stood up from his doorstep. Watching the sunset with Shoto Todoroki was certainly his favorite thing to do. 

"It's getting late. I'll head home before it gets too dark." Shoto spoke, standing up as well. Izuku nodded, watching as the duel-haired boy walked away, waving goodbye. Izuku smiled and quickly waved back before walking into his home, immediately met with his mother's voice.

"Shoto's gone?" Inko Midoriya asked, as she put away the last of the dishes. 

"Yeah. He didn't stay long. He just wanted to drop by, I guess." Izuku replied with a shrug, unable to brush off his smile.

"I don't blame him. Especially with that Kacchan vampire roaming around. What a monster." The woman claimed. Her son agreed and sat down, making conversation with his mother for a while, before she turned around and asked for his help. 

"Izuku honey, I'll go finish up the laundry, can you bring out the trash?" the woman asked, heading towards the laundry room. 

"Sure, mom." Midoriya answered with a nod, standing up and walking towards the counter so he could empty their trash. The freckled boy picked up the large bag, making a knot with its handles, before walking to the door. He opened it in a swift movement before walking out. A cool breeze hit Izuku's face as he walked down his driveway, down to the trash bin. Midoriya opened the can's lid lid, and swung the bag into it. After being done his task, he clapped his hands and sighed, dusting himself off. 


Midoriya looked back, a shiver being sent down his spine. Now that the sun was down, Hosu's streets had become cold and quiet. Almost like what you'd see in horror movies.

It was too dark outside now to see anything. "Hello?" Izuku asked, squinting his eyes to see better. The result: he couldn't see anything else but total darkness. He wasn't going insane, he knew someone, or something had called out to him, just now. Todoroki, perhaps? If so, what was Shoto still doing here?

The greenette shrugged and walked up the driveway again. 


Another whisper from behind. The greenette turned around quickly, now a little scared. The boy had chills, and a cloud came out of his mouth every time he'd exhale. The boy turned around and walked faster. He was about a few meters away from the front door when a hand grabbed his wrist, causing Izuku to let out a screech of fear, as he immediately started to struggle. Whoever was holding him had a strong grip. 

He screamed, over and over, hoping for someone to hear. His mother was there- Right inside the house. Couldn't she hear him? His neighbors? Anybody?

Midoriya swung his arms and legs, trying to get loose of the man, who was now holding him by the waist, pulling him in against his chest.

Izuku continued to scream for help, but nobody came. A hand was soon pressed on his mouth and nose, to the point where he couldn't breathe anymore... And soon blacked out in a stranger's arms. 

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