5: Visiting

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Izuku slowly walked towards his house. The house he hadn't been to in over 2 months. After having killed several people, Midoriya started to hate himself. He didn't feel right going over to visit his mom, telling her he had simply ran away. He was thankful though, that Bakugou had trusted him enough to give him permission to visit people. 

Midoriya sighed as he walked up the driveway. 

He had passes multiple signs, on the way, indicating that he was missing. To be honest, it didn't bother him much. Even if people were looking at him and then back at the posters, as if he was a maniac or something. 

The greenette knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. 

Soon, Inko Midoriya opened the door. 

"Hey Mom." Izuku whispered. 

"I-I-IzUkU?!" The chubby greenette cried, hugging her son tightly.

"How have you been?" Midoriya asked, looking down to his mom's ponytail, revealing her neck. 

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! ARE YOU OKAY?! WHAT HAPPENED?! DID SOMEONE HURT YOU?! WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Inko rambled, bringing the short male into the house. 

"No mom... I ran away. That's all. I was feeling overwhelmed, with college and all... and I ran away, hoping it would fix my problems." Izuku lied, with a smile. 

"So... You're living where?" Inko asked, a little confused, but happy to learn her son was safe. 

"Down the street, in an apartment." 

"I'm so glad you're okay... I was worried sick, thinking you would never come back... I better tell the cops you're back. Everyone was looking for you..." the mother rambled on, muttering. 

Izuku scoffed as he listened to her speak, looking down to her neck once more. It was unmarked. He had to restrain himself, since he was getting a little hungry, but to the thought of that, a question came to mind. 

"Mom?" Izuku asked, sitting down in a chair. 


"I... Er- I heard a rumour... about me being a half-vampire. Could that be true?" 

Inko looked down, in thought. "Were you with Kacchan?" she mumbled. 

Midoriya's eyes widened. How did she-?

"No! I assure you I was perfectly safe! It's just something I heard, and I want to know... people say I'm a possible danger to people if I am... please tell me the truth mom." Izuku said, inventing the story as he went. 

"Oh Izu..." Inko cried.

"I shouldn't have hid this from you..." she continued.

Izuku leaned back in his chair waiting for his mother to reveal the secret she was hiding.

"I... You might actually be... a... Half-Vampire or whatever you just called it... It... I... You're father... was... he... Um-.... He was a...." The woman looked down once again. "Vampire."

Midoriya sighed, unsurprised, since that's what he had been thinking. It made sense, since he had never met his father, and nobody seemed to know how Hisashi Midoriya was, when his name came up in any conversation.

"I see." the greenette said, a little relieved.

"Do you forgive me?!" His mother kept crying. 

Midoriya looked up to the clock... almost 12 o'clock. Dinner Time was coming up. 

He stood from his chair, and kissed his mom's forehead. "I'll always forgive you mum. I love you." he whispered, before leaping out the door, and running down the street. 

His stomach was growling. Bakugou was probably waiting for him.

 It was time to eat... again.

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