2: Kacchan

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Izuku slowly opened his eyes, seeing nothing but darkness. 

His head was hurting.

His thoughts were swirming around in his head.

His hands were tied behind him, to the chair, and so were his legs.

The greenette looked down, trying to free his legs, then tried to free his arms, but nothing worked. The room smelles good, and all Midoriya could see was the floor beneath him. He couldn't see very far, since it was real dark. 

The boy started to fidget. Was he alone? All he remembered was getting kidnapped...  nothing more.

Midoriya calmed down, trying to even out his breathing. It was difficult, but he succeeded. After having calmed down, the boy was able to process the situation he was in. 

He had gotten kidnapped.

He didn't know how much time had passed since.

What time was it?

He was tied to a chair, unable to move.

He was alone in a dark room.

He had no idea where he was.

Was his mother okay? Probably worried...

Who had brought him here?

Izuku looked down, tears threatening to fall again. It was weird... he felt sad that he left his mom behind, with her probably worrying about where he is. But at the same time, Izuku was happy and scared. Happy that he was experiencing something different for once, and afraid of what was to come. Was he left there to starve? If he was one of Kacchan's next victims... he was without a doubt going to get killed brutaly.

Midoriya sighed and looked around, still unable to see anything. Suddenly, he heard a door open, from the left. The greenette looked to his side, only to see a very tall, blonde man with crimson red eyes. 

It matched the definition of Kacchan! The flyers had been posted everywhere across town. Knowning that Izuku was Bakugou's hostage answered a few questions. Like; Why was it so dark in here? Vampires can't be in the sun, which explains why there's no windows. 

A light opened from over Izuku's head, which revealed a large, nice room. The walls were dark grey, and there was a bed next to the wall. There was a cabinet, stained in blood,  next to a dark red spot on the floor, where Izuku assumed was more blood. He was on a murder scene, after all, and he was about to be he next victim. 

Izuku looked up to the blonde was he walked by him, to the cabinet. 

"You struggled a lot. More than other people, Deku." the vampire said, opening the cabinet door. 

"D-Deku?" Izuku asked, unsure what he means.

"Oh. That's what I call my... hostages." 

Izuku looked down. "Can you kill me fast? I don't want to suffer..." he cried. 

"Tch. I'm not going to kill you. I- You smell different, so I'm having someone over here to check why you smell unrealistically good." The blonde stated. "I'm Katsuki Bakugou, By the way. But I'm sure you already know that..." Katsuki said, smirking. 

"WHAT'S THAT?!" Izuku yelled, looking at the pouch of blood the blonde had pulled out the cabinet. "Lunch. You want some?" Bakugou chuckled. "H-Huh?! No! Gross!" Midoriya screamed.

"Stop yelling." 

"Where am I?!" Izuku asked, trying to calm his voice down. 

"My place. You're not to know where that is." the tall boy said, with a smirk as he peirced the bag with his fangs, instantly sucking out some of the red liquid. 

Midoriya watched, disgusted. The blonde seemed to enjoy the taste of blood, which terrified Izuku even more. 

When Katsuki was done, he looked to the greenette and licked hsi blood-stained lips. 

"Alright. It's getting late. You were asleep for nearly 24 hours. I bet you're tired. Get some rest. I have business to take care of." Katsuki said, standing up and walking to the green haired boy. 

Bakugou ruffled the short male's hair before walking out the room once more, leaving the light open for Izuku. At least he could see...

Your Scent \ A Bakudeku Story \ MPregजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें