14: Izumi

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22 Year old Izuku smiled as he leaned down on the crib.  The little, green haired baby was cooing happily as it gripped onto his fingers. 

"He's adorable..." Midoriya said, turning around to Katsuki, who was hugging him from behind.

"Yeah, He looks just like you." Bakugou stated, kissing the freckled cheek. 

The baby had green hair, and big eyes, which matched Izuku... but the eye color was Katsuki's. 

Bakugou smiled as he waved at the small baby, looking around his crib, and clutching onto a small blanket. He was almost a few days old, but was already pretty active with things he could reach and touch around him. 

Izuku and Katsuki had already picked a name; Izumi Bakugou... and it suited the baby perfectly.

"I love him so much..." Bakugou whispered, as he pulled the blanket over the small boy, before he'd fall asleep. The two boys watched the baby doze off, sucking on it's light blue pacifier.

"Me too." Izuku said, walking out the nursery. 

Bakugou followed, smiling. Izuku reached into the closet, pulling out some of their stock of blood. 

After they had fed themselves, they went to bed, trying to fall asleep, although Izuku had to feed Izumi sometimes during the night...

A week after Izumi's birth, Bakugou went out for a kill, as he usualy did every night before the baby's arrival. It had been a week without killing, and the blonde was in need. 

Izuku agreed, and stayed with his son while his boyfriend would go hunting. 

Izuku waited, about an hour, and put Izumi to bed. 

It was weird, Katsuki would often go out for a kill, and come back about a half-hour later with the blood pouches... but there was still no sign of the blonde after several hours. It was getting close to midnight, and Izuku was still waiting, practically falling asleep on the couch everytime he'd blink.  

Midoriya woke up the next morning, to a crying Izumi. He bounced up, and ran to the nursery, surprised to see Bakugou standing next to the crib, and rocking the baby side to side. 

"Shh... Shh.... Mommy's sleeping, and you'll wake him up... It's okay... Daddy's here... Shh..." 

Izuku sighed in relief and walked up to his family. "Where were you all night?" He asked, sleepily.

The blonde, surprised, turned around. "Deku! I... got cornered by cops, so I had to hide behind a van, but the damn policemen fucking STOOD at the other side of the van, FOR THE WHOLE NIGHT. I couldn't get away without them noticing me, full of blood, so I had to wait until they left... I barely made it here in time for sunrise..." Katsuki rambled. 

"It's fine!" Izuku giggled. "You had me worried, that's all. And no cussing in front of Izumi."

The next chapter will be the last chapter... I can't believe I'm about to finish my 4rth Bakudeku Story... Damn! I never thought I'd write this much.

-Sucky Author

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