Chapter 3

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A/N~Till Arjun and Draupadi meet again I'll be writing the chapters from the Narrator's POV.

This is probably the shortest chapter of but I promise the next one would be a long chap for sure.

Happy Reading!


To restore righteousness

With their deal being completed the bird stretched its majestic wings and flew across the silvery grey clouds from which rose the morning sun illuminating the forest with its warm light.

"Bharatshree, what are doing here standing all alone ?" interrogated Nakul while walking upto his left.

"You were never an early riser what's wrong today?" asked a worried Sahadev who had come unnoticed and now stood at his right.

"Nothing much, just thinking if I did the right thing dragging you all to serve my punishment."

The archer shrugged while Nakul nudged his elbow before speaking up in a composed tone, "Don't let your worries get the better of you in the last moments of our separation, you did the right thing by taking this decision and--"

"And we agreed in our full senses to perform this penance." completed Darsaputra Sahadev.

"Devi Draupadi is blessed to have you as her husband just like we are to have you as our brother," stated Nakul with a small smile.

"Yes indeed, and Arjun don't you even dare backing away now, I know the pain of separation and now I repent for leaving her behind; don't you commit the same mistake of losing your beloved."Saying so Vrikodhar Bheem hugged him from behind, almost sweeping him off his feet.

"As long as we embrace righteousness, we cannot be wrong in our decisions."
Spoke the eldest Kaunteya who was listening to their conversations silently.

The 4 of them turned towards him, gaining the attention of his brothers Yuddhistir continued in his deep voice.

"Righteousness is when we amend our mistakes rather than blaming the situation, moreover reasoning destiny for our ignorance is an act of cowardice."

Arjun nodded slowly while Yuddhistir smiled knowing that he was successful to remove the fog of self-doubt covering his brother's judgements.

Arjun slumped down on the rock recalling what Vedvyas had told them the other day about their rebirths and the two ways they could choose.

The former was the path of achieving easy success, by killing his wishes and morality to divide his wife among his brothers, a solution that would make his remaining life a living hell.

Whereas, the latter promised the peace of heaven, which could only be accomplished by passing through hell

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Whereas, the latter promised the peace of heaven, which could only be accomplished by passing through hell.

To be precise, either he divides his wife or he undergoes a harsh penance which has slim chances of survival with a worthwhile prize---the prize of calling his beloved his own alone. Wasn't it enough to drive him through the rest of his journey?

But that wasn't the only wish of the lovesick warrior, he wanted to provide justice to the one who was the most deserving yet was denied of it, his Panchali and the goddesses who reside within her.

"We weren't specified a definite way to undertake this penance, so from where shall we begin ?"
asked Bheem to be returned with a blank-faced Arjun, two perplexed twins and an elder brother lost in deep thoughts.

Unable to stand at one place, Vrikodhar went near his elder and repeated his question, impatience marked in his rumbling voice.

"Be patient O'Son of the restless wind, let me think, "scolded Yuddhistir.
Pawanputra grumbled and went back to the hut.

"Bhratashree," called the wielder of thunder pacing towards his eldest brother, his hazels gleaming with a new idea.

"What if we ask for guidance from our spiritual fathers ?"

"But evoking them won't be so easy," interrupted Sahadev. Although interrupting the conversations of elders was assumed against their conduct, they let it down considering the gravity of the situation where they had no time to waste.

"But what's wrong in trying ?"
Joined Nakul as if speaking out Arjun's mind.

The two sons of Ashwini kumars now stood together, they looked quite similar yet shared some dissimilarities too. One could easily identify the taller one with rippling muscles and sharper face as Nasatyaputra Nakul, while the other one with a gentle composure and bright intellectual eyes was unmistakably Dasraputra Sahadev.

"You are right, we should part our ways and go in the directions which shall be the right one to perform the essentials to evoke them." agreed dharmaraj Yuddhistir, the perfect embodiment of justice.

"So shall be it," announced Bheem who had just returned with their wooden and stone weapons. The others nodded in agreement before joining the goodbye hug.

With a newborn hope in their eyes, a wish to fulfill their promisesand an inclination to restore righteousness they set out for the journey not before ensuring their mother's safety in the hut situated close to Rishi Durvasa's Ashram

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With a newborn hope in their eyes, a wish to fulfill their promises
and an inclination to restore righteousness they set out for the journey not before ensuring their mother's safety in the hut situated close to Rishi Durvasa's Ashram.

Devi Kunti had every other chance to return to Kuntibhoj, but she chose the safety of her sons above her comforts, after all the heart of a mother couldn't afford the royal pleasures when her sons were thriving in the forest doing hard penance.

Besides, the fear of Kauravas doing something to mar Pandavas' Tapasya always lurked in her mind, knowing their previous ventures of killing them was unsuccessful shall ignite devious plans for killing them once more. Considering all of it, she thought it better to spend her time meditating near the Ashram of her Gurudev, the ever-generous but short-tempered Rishi Durvasa, who'd long ago given her the incredible boon of having demigods as sons.


Word count: 970 words ( 1020 words )

I'd like to thank my friend Shruti for guiding me. Do visit her YouTube channel @Mythology kingdom. 🥰❤

Also, special thanks to marvelous___writer 😊😁💖 for being the best reader and supporter ever.

Precap: 'Draupadi, am saving all my love for you. Can you hear me? Only for you. And with each day passing it's increasing even more'

Will be updating the next part on 4th July.

I hope I don't need to remind you about the star at the bottom left corner 🌟

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