Chapter 5 (Year 1)

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A/N~ Draupadi is referred to as Arjun's wife because they are 'half married'

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A/N~ Draupadi is referred to as Arjun's wife because they are 'half married'.

Is that even a word?

Well yes. For me and Draupadi of my story, it is. So if you've got any problem with that please don't read.

*Before you fuss over little things, I want to let you know a thing called disclaimer exists. So make sure you read that.*

Happy Reading! 😊🥰


The princess of Panchal, Arjun's Ardhangini lay wide awake in the middle of the night thinking of Arjun's whereabouts.

What if he was badly injured or worse the rattle of death was nearing him.
What if he had completed the penance but had remarried forgetting everything of the promise.
What if...

The voice of her inner mind trailed off while tears trickled down her cheeks.
She tried regaining her composure by reminding herself of his last letter and their little talks, his knowing smile and irresistible gazes.

It seemed to somewhat calm the storm in her mind, but like every other night, this one too was spent sleepless.

She stared at the ceiling for a while thinking of their life if things hadn't been that way and then realizing dawn was about to arrive she went near the long glass window to watch the autumnal sun slowly rise from the distant mountains and rose-hued clouds.

"Today's the day he entered my swayamvyar and my life, we got tied to each other by exchanging the nuptial garlands and a part of our hearts," she narrated to the burning disc as if it were a listener to her sad tale.

She closed her eyes and wiped her tears, promising not to cry anymore and not to let any of her doubts question her love for him.


Shikhandini and Dristadyumna entered their sister's kaksh to find her bed neatly laid and everything organized in its usual order.

"She doesn't make an exception to her rule of visiting the temple of Mahadev, does she ?"

He said walking towards a small table on which was placed a folded scroll, he picked it up and was about to unfold it when Shikhandini snatched it from him.

"It's called praying not visiting and why don't you stop meddling with things that aren't of your concern ?"

She huffed stressing on the last part, skillfully hiding the letter in the crease of her linen. She remembered Draupadi telling her how she got it from the youngest Kaunteya, Rajkumar Arjun.

"What do you mean? I shan't be concerned about my sister ?"

Shikhandini breathed a sigh of relief, she was successful to drive the possessive brother from that letter. For the time being.

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