Chapter 10 (Year 4)

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A/N~I probably should make make a glossary, but for now, let me write these terms here.

Kaksh= chamber / room

Bhanje= nephew

Gajarohi sena= Elephantry (military subunits with soldiers on elephants

Aśvakas= horsemen

Uttarapatha= Northern high road stretching from Anga in the east to Gandhara in the northwest.

Vyuha= a strategic placement of soldiers in arrays.

Arjun is also referred to as Phalguna Vibhatsu, Savyasachi and Gandivdhari.

Yeah, that's all I think. Oh, don't forget to check the thumbnail 😇❤

Happy Reading!


The Pandavas embarked on a harsh journey, beholding elevations and defiles, fighting numberless battles with the Aśvakas and Gajarohi armies, slaying rathis and maharatis who guarded the fortresses on their way.

Sabyasachi along with his brothers demolished a dozen fortified towns protected by Yanavas, Tusharas and Sakas. The Northwestern kingdoms of Aryavart were now bathed in blood and the air smelt of fear.

They ventured further north and damaged the smaller fortresses lying at the foothills of the Himalayas, then climbing up the snow-laden Uttarapatha and crossing the seven mouths of River Sindhu they finally reached the kingdom of Kamboja.

The Kambojas were Kshatriyas known for their fine military skills and trained horsemen but had gradually declined to Kshrudras on the negligence of priestly rites. Gandivdhari defeated its army, heroically breaking through the composite Vyuhas and finally capturing its king to end the battle and vanquish the fortress.

Next on line was the last kingdom of the Northern belt, graced by the river Chakshu, named Bahlika.

The warriors of Bahlika tribe erected a strong resistance to the Pandavas but these tall limbed forest dwellers had no clue of the immense strength of the foremost of Kuru princes. They faced defeat.

And so the first 60 fortresses were destroyed with the prowess of Arjun and valour of his brothers.


Warm winter sunlight entered the chamber of Hastinapur's Yuvraj, Duryodhana reflecting its golden radiance in every corner of that dark room. Only if it could clear away the dark evilness of his heart.

Just as he woke up, his head throbbing from lamenting over his brother's death and eyes dropping low he saw his Mamashree entering his Kaksh.

Not deliberating with pleasantries Shakuni came straight to point.

"Wake up Bhanje, we have no time to waste. I've gotten hold of just the thing I wanted, which shall flip the coin and avenge the deaths of my 60 nephews."

"What do you mean, Mamashree?"
He got up, his sulking voice beaming with a hint of surprise.

"My informers have finally tracked down something that confirms my suspicions, the Brahmin who won the swayamvyar at Panchal was none other Arjun, in fact, all the Pandavas are alive!"

Duryodhan stared at Shakuni bemused, trying to comprehend while he spoke further.

"They've found the Pandavas' mother, Devi Kunti indulged in mediation near Rishi Durvasa's Ashram. Devi Kunti on her hasty retreat from my guards left a letter behind. It's written by the Panduputras where they mentioned about some penance and of princess Draupadi who was betrothed to Arjun."

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