Chapter 16

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The next few weeks pass in a blur. I can't believe it's already been four months since my wedding with Xander. I have stopped making his coffee and we don't even talk anymore. Not even a single word. We often see each other in the gym every morning but I always make as if I never see him and he does the same thing.

I have noticed that Nina every now and then brings his coffee. Well, I don't care at all. I'm protecting myself. That's all. But I can see the suspicious look in Colton's eyes. Over the course of time, we have grown closer and I'm grateful to have him as a good friend in this hell hole. We even have lunch together almost everyday.

I'm still ashamed over the fact that I have hurt myself because of Xander. The marks are not gone yet and I don't think it will. It's a constant reminder that Xander is harmful for my sanity. I must keep my distance from him in every way possible. I don't want to be like I was before.

But as much as I keep saying to myself to keep my distance from him, I still find myself helping him when he gets his nightmare every now and then. I just hold his hand and keep saying words to calm him until he falls back to sleep. No matter how much I try to be a bad person, I just can't be one. It's just not in me.

I always make sure that I return back in my place so that he doesn't know that I was there when he was having his nightmare.

"Ayla", Colton walks inside my cabin with lunch suddenly, pulling me back into reality.

"Lunch is here", he places my chicken salad infront of me and takes a seat opposite me.

"Thanks Colton", I pick my fork and start eating instantly. I'm ravenous suddenly.

"Nina went into Xander's office again", he adds while opening his box of food.

I just shrug and keep eating. My main concern is my food right now.

"What's going on Ayla?", he asks gently suddenly. "Have you and Xander been fighting?"

We always fight, I muse in my mind while I shake my head and chew my food.

"Then why does Nina brings him his coffee instead of you?", he probes.

"I'm sorry if I'm intruding", he adds when I do not respond and keep on eating. "But if you want you can share it with me if something is bothering you. Even Liz said you looked lost these past few days."

My heart melts when I hear the concern in his voice for me. I place my fork down and sigh.

"It's too complicated", I lean back in my chair.

"I don't understand"

"Xander and I had an arrangement", I confess. "It's not really a wedding. He just married me for my father's loan."

"What?!", he shouts.

"Don't shout!", I scold him and throw a lettuce on his face which lands in his open mouth.

"Oh my god!", he gasps dramatically and fans himself with his hands. "Let me breathe. Jesus christ!"

"Please don't tell anyone about this Colton", I add seriously. "Xander will kill me."

"I won't", he promises in a serious tone. "I promise you."

I start eating while watching him still freaking out. He's being really funny.

"I knew it something was wrong when he got married suddenly", he confirms.


"He doesn't seems like the one to be married. He is so aloof and a big workaholic. He is in the office every single day not to forget so unapproachable."

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