Chapter 19

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"In my office right now!", Father barks as soon as I pick up the phone. I have to actually put it away from my ear because of his loud angry voice.

"What's the matter Father?", I question.

"Get your ass here right now Ayla!", he snaps and cuts the call.

Staring at my phone, I wonder what is wrong now. Taking my purse, I head out but refrain from telling Xander anything. It's already been days since our argument and we never spoke after it. I want to keep it that way.

I head in the elevator and notice a few miss calls from Emily. I'll just call her after meeting Father. I don't want to sound anxious on the phone with her.

Minutes later, I reach Father's company and get down. A sense of dread invades my entire body as soon as my feet touch the ground.

Nothing's wrong Ayla.

I keep assuring myself internally with this three words while heading into his cabin. I twist the knob and walk it.

Father's cold gaze settles on me instantly. Ethan is inside as well.

"Ethan", I say his name while walking inside. "What are you doing here? Is everything all right?"

"No Ayla", he sighs and leans back on the couch. "My medical licence is being revoked."

"What?!", I gasp with shock. "Why?"

"I don't know", he replies and stares at the ceiling. "All I know is that I have been doing my job really well. I don't even know why this is  happening."

"I am so sorry Ethan", I sit besides him and hold his hand. "Don't worry. Everything will be okay. Why don't we head to the authorities and ask for more information? Maybe they did a mistake and got the wrong person?"

"They won't even give me more information", he states in a defeated tone. "Dad and I have already been there."

"Go home and rest son", Father finally speaks.

"You're right Dad. See you later Ayla", he squeezes my hand and getting up, he takes his jacket and leaves.

As soon as Ethan leaves, Father gets up and approaches me in a predatory stance. I get up from the couch.

"What did you do Ayla?", he asks, calmly but I know he is anything but calm.

"What do you mean Father?", I ask. Is he blaming me for Ethan's license being revoked?

"What. Did. You. Do?", he repeats again.

"I don't know what you are mean."

All at once, he wraps his hand around my throat and almost lifts me off my feet. He squeezes my windpipe, making it hard for me to breath.

"Why did Xander revoked Ethan's licence?", he growls.

"I don't know", I can hardly speak as tears leak from my eyes due to suffocation.

"You must have done something", he spits and looking at me with disgust, he throws me on the floor.

I cough violently as I can finally breath. "I did nothing Father"

"Don't fucking lie!", he approaches me and stepping on my hand, he bends to my eye level.

I bit the inside of my lower lip to avoid screaming from the pain and hold his gaze.

"The authorities is one of my acquaintance and he told me Xander did all this. Are you trying to ruin my son's life?"

I shake my head meekly.

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