Chapter 25

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After that night, Xander becomes unbearable. He gets easily annoy at the mere sight of me. Sometimes, I am just doing my work and he gets irritated by my presence in his office. I wonder what has changed so much. Is he still regretting our kiss?

The hickey is almost gone now and from time to time, I do find myself thinking about his lips on mine.

Currently, we are in the board meeting room, and my gaze keeps drifting back to him. His piercing grey eyes is fixed on the projector. Thank God, I am actually sitting in the dark. I can stare at him all I want.

They are currently planning to go on a trip and because I refused last time, Xander does not asks me to tag along this time. Nina is accompanying him instead.

I feel a weird jab in my chest at the thought of these two together. I try to picture them together and frown instantly. I hate it. My heart skips a beat.

Am I getting attracted to him?

Shit! Yes, I am attracted to him.

The lights are on suddenly and I find him staring back at me. My cheeks goes crimson and I get up instantly.

I find Leila coming out from my cabin again but this time she does not notices me. Once she's gone, I walk inside and find another threatening note. So, this has been her doing all along. For the past weeks, these types of notes have been constant.

Colton did mentioned that he has heard Leila and Nina's conversation. It was something about trying to scare someone. Now, it all makes sense.

She is trying to scare me away because she wants Xander for herself. What a stupid woman! She can have him for all I care.

I had a freaking panic attack because of her for no reason!

God, I need a break from these people. And I need Xander to divorce me. I have to start thinking how to make that happen.

Two days later...

I have not clean the room for two whole days nor let Melissa do it. Xander is a neat freak and when he will see that I have dirtied his room, he might get fed up and divorce me. The bed is all messed up and I have thrown papers almost everywhere. Clothes are lying on the couch and on the floor. I have deliberately messed it all up. Now, I just need for his highness to come back.

It's night time when I actually hear footsteps approaching the room. I am currently eating some apples on the bed when he opens the door. His gaze widens in shock when he sees the state of his room. I bet his cleaning radar is already on red alert at the moment. I can almost hear the sirens coming from his head.

"What the hell did you do to my room?", he demands angrily while approaching the bed.

"Your room?", I say as I take a bite from my fruit. "Our room. This is my room too."

"Clean it! Right now"

"Can't", I shrug and stand on the bed. "Why don't you do it if it bothers you? I can stay like this."

"You messed it up and you will clean it!", he orders angrily.

"Listen Grey", I walk towards him on the bed. "I'm too lazy for all this. I never thought that I would be sharing a room with a man and out of all the men in the world, it just had to be you. A neat freak! So cleaning was never my priority. Marriage was not for me and you dragged me into this mess so why don't you clean it?"

"You love messes anyway", I sit back down. "So clean it or consider divorcing me if you can't stay with me like this. You are a control freak and that's why you are like this so just let me go and you can have your control back again."

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