Chapter 4

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After our fight, Xander demands me getting in the car and at this point, I'm just too tired to even argue. I just want to sleep. But apparently, this monster besides me have other plans. When I ask him where are we going, he just keeps quiet. He's giving me the silence treatment.

Are we even going at his place? Or he's taking me somewhere to kill me?

Oh my God!

I look at him.

"Grey!", I say again. "Where are we going?"

No responce again.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Are you going to kill me?"

He gives me a side look before returning his eyes on the road.

No he won't kill me. Right?

"You never know", my inner voice says. Appearance are deceptive after all.

You'll never know someone's intention. You'll never know the murderer sitting next to you. But if he does kill me and run away, people will know it's him, because I was last seem with him. So even if I die, he'll be in trouble.

I relax back in my seat and close my eyes. Suddenly the car halts. I look outside and take in the silhouette of what appears to be a condo. Xander gets out without even telling me anything. Atleast he should have the decency to tell me where am I.

I follow him inside. It's still dark everywhere.

"Xander", I call out. "Where are we?"

He stops walking and turns to face me.

"It's our honeymoon getaway", he mocks.

My eyes widen slightly.


"Don't look so shock", he snaps suddenly. "I already told you this marriage is fake. There's nothing between us. And as for somelike like you, I can't imagine myself touching you. It's revolting."

Unknowingly, I feel hurt. I curl my fist tightly by my side. Xander really looks disgusted by me.

Does he know about my past?

"And one more thing", he adds, his voice dripping with venom. "Stay the hell out of my sight. Don't you dare disturb me."

Xander gives me another cold look and disappears in one of the room. Where am I supposed to stay?

Sighing, I enter the room just beside his. I walk till the bed and throw myself on it. Trying not to dwell on his words, I try to close my eyes and sleep but the dress I have on is beginning to annoy me. I hate wearing dresses to be honest. I sign in frustration. I don't even have any clothes here. I get up from the bed and just out of curiosity, I open the wardrobe. It's full of clothes. Women's clothes. Taking a loose black tshirt and a legging, I enter the bathroom to change.

As soon as I see my reflection, tears well up in my eyes.

"And as for somelike like you, I can't imagine myself touching you. It's revolting."

Xander's voice replays in my head. A tear roll down my cheek and I wipe it quickly. All of a sudden, I'm pull back by my own thoughts.

"You're disgusting!"

"You ruined everything!"

"You're just a piece of worthless excuse of a human!"

"Everything you touch gets ruined. You're a curse!"

"NO!", I say loudly and try to calm my breathing.

"I won't go back there. Can't. It's too much."

I splash the cold water on my face and look at my reflection. I won't let Xander's words reach into my head. Neither him or his words mean anything to me.

"I have to be strong", I say to myself. "I have to be brave."

Changing my clothes, I climb on the bed and thankfully, I fall asleep as a baby.

The next morning when I get up, as soon as I open my eyes, I get sleepy again. I check the time. It's still nine. Laying back, I fall asleep again.

Finally when I get up, it's four in the evening. Damn. I really do sleep a lot. I was not like this before. I didn't like sleeping too much but with time, I started feeling lethargic and I always feel tired. I always feel drain.

I walk in the bathroom and brush my teeth. My stomach growls. I don't want to go downstairs. I really don't want to see Xander. He's the main reason, I'm having a headache right now. Once I'm done, I return back in my room and seeing a bottle of water, I gulp it down.

I don't feel hungry anymore plus my skin will be clear with all the water I drink. But give it maximun ten minutes, all I'll be getting is pee.

I lay on the bed again and taking my mobile, I start scrolling through memes. They always entertain me. I don't have any social media. I just don't like it. I find it draining and toxic. As far as I know myself, I know I'll end up with trouble on these platforms. I just have never been confortable using them. People will always pry which I don't like at all. I don't like unecessary attention at all.

I prefer staying on my own. It's more peaceful.

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