Chapter 3

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Music starts playing as Ethan walks beside me down the aisle. My hands start trembling and my knees almost threaten to give up. I lean on my brother for support and he tightens his grip on me.

I raise my head to look at Xander. He's standing near the pastor. He's wearing a dark blue suit. His hair in combed neatly. To sum him all up, he looks almost unreal. He looks so handsome. Like those models on the cover of vogue. But why does he look so stiff? Can't he just relax? I mean, he wants this wedding so he might as well enjoy it.

Maybe if situations would have been different, I would have been all giddy to marry him. But right now, all I feel is anger and resentment towards him and fear that I will have to spend my life with a complete stranger.

We reach at the end of the aisle and Ethan places my hand in Xander's hold. My hand almost trembles in his grip. I have to control myself.

"It's only for a while Ayla", I murmur to myself. "Then no touching."

Xander looks at me as if I'm mad and tightens his grip more on my hand.

"Take care of my sister Grey", Ethan says in a cold voice. "Hurt her and you will not live another day to see the daylight."

I look at Ethan and he looks dead serious. His tone is full of warning. Xander gives him a stiff nod and returns his gaze on me. As usual, I don't know what's going on with him. He has his signature pokerface on. Eyes are known to be the window of the soul but this one before me is so difficult to read.

How can someone carry the same expression everyday? Well I don't know if he does carry the same expression everyday but his face says it all.

The priest starts saying his sermons and I find myself zoning out. I look at Xander and cringe instantly. I can't believe I'm getting married. And that also with this cold hearted man.

I frown when I realize he's still staring at me.

"Why do you want?", I snap. "Why are you staring at me?"

I always have this problem. When someone I don't like keep staring at me, I automatically snap. I used to do that with Ethan too when we were younger. He knew how it used to bug me when someone would stared at me, so that's why just to get on my nerves, he used to do that.

I hear Ethan stifling a chuckle. Xander lifts one of his eyebrow and narrows his eyes slightly.

Shit! I said that out loud. Thankfully the priest ignores me and carry on with his verses.

"Bitch", I whisper but looks like my future husband have heard me because he tightens his hold on my hand almost making it painful.

I glare at him and he glares right back.

The priest asks Xander to say his vows. I roll my eyeballs around quickly. Shit! I'm getting married and I have to say my vows before all this strangers. I can feel the panic building inside my chest. I'm not ready to be somebody's Mrs yet.

Can't anyone just get up and shouts 'I object' for me please? I look at Emily quickly and catching my eyes, she suddenly gives me one of her chesire smile. She knows what I'm thinking. But apparently, Xander also knows what I'm thinking. He follows my gaze and glares at Emily with his steely cold eyes, almost challenging her to say 'I object'.

Emily pales and looks away instantly. Did this bitch just scared my best friend?! Fine! When it will be my turn to say 'I do', I'm going to be the one who will make him feel scare.

Coffee at first sightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora