Chapter 22

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Xander is back to his usual cold behaviour. It is weird honestly. One minute he seems like he really cares but then the next minute, he becomes non chalant.

We are currently in a meeting and from time to time, my gaze keeps sliding on his direction. His jaw is clenched and he is staring at the presentation as if he is ready to strangle the employee who has made it.

Nina touches his forearm suddenly and leans closer to whisper something in his ear. He gives a single nod.

Rolling my eyes, I try to focus on the presentation. All this maths hurts my brain. I suppress the need to yawn and check my watch. A few more minutes Ayla, I encourage myself internally.

The presentation is finally over and just as I am leaving, Nina smiles weirdly at me. What the fuck is wrong with her? Giving her a forced smile, I walk out.

I see Leila walking out of my cabin and she pales at the sight of me.

"What were you doing inside?", I demand.

"I had to give you a file", she babbles with a nervous smile. "It's already on your desk"

She hurries past me quickly and not dwelling on it, I enter my cabin and immerse myself in work. A few hours later, when I get back from my break with Colton, I notice a small paper tucked under a file.

I pick it up curiously and open it.

Leave Xander or you won't like the consequences!

My blood runs cold as I instantly think about him. Is he back? My chest constricts instantly and my lunch churns in my stomach. I am going to be sick. I am too hot suddenly and sweat breaks over my entire body.

My hands start trembling as the feeling of suffocation engulfs me deeper. The door opens at the same time and I end up flinching with fright. Xander stands there watching me.

I rush into the washroom quickly and kneeling down, I lean over the toilet and heaves out my lunch.

Hands instantly grab my hair back and rubs my back. Fuck! I am still pathetic. I am still so scared of him and I hate it. I thought I was stronger but all it took was a note and I am back to fucking puking mess.

"Are you okay?", Xander asks when I am done.

I can't really tell him that I am scared shitless. I nod and sit down. I fist my palms into two tight balls to avoid them from trembling.

"I must have ate something wrong for lunch", my voice is shaky and breathless.

He gives a single nod and removing his handkerchief, he lifts it for me to take it. That's when it hits me. A full blown panic attack. Shit! I did not have them for a long while.

My heart is banging loudly in my chest and I can hear all the blood rushing in my veins. My hands shake as my vision gets blurry. I try to get up but my feet starts tingling. I have to get out of here quickly.

The overwhelming sense of dread keeps increasing and when Xander holds my hand, I flinch back.

"Hey, look at me"

"I am going to die", I mumble, breathlessly.

"You are not going to die. It's a panic attack", he lifts me over the counter and stands between my legs.

I feel a warm feeling in one side of my nostril and try to touch my face.

"Holy Shit Ayla", Xander claims with concern and moves my trembling hands from my face. "Focus on me okay and breathe slowly through your mouth"

Coffee at first sightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن