Chapter 42

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It's already been weeks and I have not been able to meet Grace. Xander is watching my every move. At times, I feel like I am being followed everywhere but it must just be me being paranoid.

Xander threw a fit when he saw his nickname as Coconut on my phone. So, I called him Big head and he still didn't liked it. So, let's just say we sticked to Coconut. He grumbles everytime I tease him but he never gets angry. And, I love bullying him. It's funny when he starts arguing back.

I have become totally comfortable with him. And it feels nice. I love his company. It makes me feel happy.

It's currently ten at night and he is not talking to me because I kept calling him Big head earlier. I do not feel sleepy so I am just scrolling through videos on my phone.

"Turn your mobile off", he orders with his back turn to me.

"No", I refuse.

I am currently watching food compilations especially cakes. It's called Cake or Fake. I am amaze by the talent of these people honestly. They can make everything look like a cake.

They show a book and I have to guess whether it's a cake or not. This cannot be a cake. It looks too real. It has the author's name and every little details seem too real.

"Must be cake", I mumble to myself.

I gasp when the knife goes through the book. It's cake!

"What's wrong?", Xander turns around instantly with concern.

"Look it's cake", I show him the screen. "I thought it was a real book but it's a cake. This is incredible"

"Turn your mobile off and sleep", he retords.

"No", I mumble. "I want to watch this now."

I ignore him and focus on my screen. They keep showing different types of cakes now.

"This is real", I hear Xander saying.

"Can't be"

"Told you", he adds proudly when the knife does not go through the onion.

"Oh my god", I murmur. "But the book looked too realistic. How is that possible?"

I give him a glance and find him already staring at me. "Are you still mad that I called you Bighead?"

"What do you think?", he narrows his gaze.

"I just think that pouting does not suits you. But then again, I knew why I named you Coconut. You are a softy", I tease him.

Just when I think that he is about to argue, he chuckles. His smile always amaze me. And that damn dimple. It always makes my heart skips a beat.

"You got too comfortable with me", he realizes, and it looks like the fact that I am, makes him happy.

"Well, isn't what friends are for? To be comfortable with each other?"

"If that's what makes you happy", his voice is soft as he inches closer.

"I am happy", I tell him honestly. I have never been happier like I have in these last couple of weeks. Xander makes me happy. Even his presence is calming. It calms me so much that I can sleep without any worry.

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