Chapter 8

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It's already been two whole week since I'm cooped up in this house with this devil. I literally can't take it no more. But just to ease my soul, I have been constant with the phone call prank with Xander. What's the most funniest part is that he tried changing his number but little does he knows it's me. As his wife, I will always have his every number.

Poor him! I messed up his sleeping schedule completely. He deserves it though. He's not even allowing me to leave the house. I miss Ethan and Emily. I want to meet them so badly but Xander is not even letting me set a foot outside.

Tonight, no matter what, I'm going outside. This morning I overheard Xander speaking on the phone. He's going to be late because he has an important meeting. So that means I can go out. I just want to go for a walk to get some fresh air.

It's nearly eight now. The guards are not letting me leave.

"I'm sorry ma'am", one of them apologizes. "Mr Grey gave strict orders not to let you out."

Sighing in anger, I return inside.

"I just want to go out", I say loudly once I'm in my room. Suddenly, I remember that there's a back door in the garden. There's a door which leads out. I can go from there. But I can't let the servants or the guards see me. They will inform Xander. But how the hell am I going to go there without them seeing me?

"Idea!", I say and smile.

Taking atleast three long cloth, I tie their ends together tightly. Sliding the door open, I go outside on the balcony and tie it on one of the rail. Once it's done, I throw my sneakers down. Thank god because of the grass, it does not make any noise.

"I hope they didn't lock the door", I murmur to myself as I climb over the rail and start sliding down slowly. It's quite a long way for me to go down. Let's just hope I don't fall to my death.

Finally with a little struggle, I reach down and smile in victory. I look up proudly.

"Wow Ayla", I say to myself with a proud nod. "I did it."

"What the fuck!", I hear Xander's voice and stiffen.

I turn around slowly and see his shocked face. He looks at me then at the long cloth which I have used as a rope.

Why did he returned so early? I just want to have a quiet walk. Is that too much to ask?!

"Hey", I say nervously. "You're already back?"

His grey eyes return back on my face and the moment I see his eyes hardening, I know I'm going to hear a lecture. I start putting on my sneakers and casually just turn my eyes towards the door.

Damn it! It's locked. I did all that for nothing. But then again, it's not for nothing when I see the guards walking slightly away from the main gate. I can definitely run ouside.

Just as Xander is about to insult the shit out of me, I push past him and start running towards the gate. I think he's a little taken aback because I have pushed him because it takes him a while to shout at the guards.

But before the guards can really react, I run outside. I stop a little bit ahead and try to catch my breath.

"Ayla!", Xander shouts.

I groan. Can't he just leave me alone for a while? I start running again. Ever since I've met him, I'm only running.

I really hope he does not chase me but I'm wrong. He's already behind me.

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