Chapter 30

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After that fight with Nina, I skipped work for two weeks. This time, the wounds are taking a while to heal. Colton and Emily visited me regularly at home.

Nina has been sacked.

Xander's father was so furious when the employees told him what happened. He even came to visit me and brought me flowers and sweets. Stephanie came and even cooked food for me. They are really so sweet.

Today, I am expecting Emma. She was out of town with Peter and both are coming for a visit. Xander has already returned home earlier than usual. He has been caring in his own ways despite me telling him to stay away. He always makes sure that I have eaten and yes, I am still sleeping on the bed. He doesn't seems to mind my presence anymore.

"I am so sorry you had to go through that Ayla", Emma says sadly when she hugs me. "I always felt a bad vibe with her. She would always cling to Xander as well."

"She likes him", I blurt and glance at Xander, who's currently watching me like a hawk.

"How do you feel now Ayla?", Peter asks politely and holds my arm.

My entire body tenses at his touch. I feel so uncomfortable whenever he is close or even looks at me. I would have smacked his hand away if he was not Emma's boyfriend.

"Fine now, thank you", I reply and try not to frown when he starts grazing his thumb on my skin.

"You must take good care of yourself", he adds.

"Don't worry about that", Xander is suddenly by my side and places his hand around my shoulder.

Peter drops his hand instantly and smiles at him.

I sigh with relief, grateful internally for his presence besides me. His touch and presence always make me feel at ease. I don't even know if I like his effect on me. Do I?

"Dinner is served", Xander adds. "Let's go"

Peter and Emma turns to leave while we remain still besides each other.

"Are you okay?", he asks quietly.

Turning my head, I lift my face to look at him and nod. He is watching me carefully. I feel his hand sliding down my arm and he replaces Peter's touch with his. Warmth spreads in my chest and my heart starts beating rapidly.

"Breathe Ayla", he says softly.

Am I holding my breathe? Shit, I am totally not breathing. I take a small step away from him with a small breath. Our close proximity made me nervous and breathless.

"Let's eat", he adds and walks away.

I follow him after a few seconds and throughout the whole dinner, Emma talks animately. Xander listens attentively to her. I respond only whenever she asks me about something. I do feel his gaze on me from time to time, making sure that the spoon of food is entering my mouth.

What bothers me the most is Peter's gaze. He keeps staring at me with a creepy little grin. I would have give him the death stare if Xander was not watching me.

"Ayla, you are awfully quiet", Emma says suddenly. "Do you feel okay?"

"Yes, just a small headache", I lie because I have nothing to say.

"Aww then we have to finish dinner quickly so that you can rest", she offers.

"There's no need to hurry Emma", I tell her not wanting to ruin her conversation with Xander. "It's not that bad"

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