Chapter 37

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I can't stop thinking about her. When I left this morning, she was still sleeping. I brought her home early in the morning and once I placed her on my bed, I was satisfied.

She is dangerously getting under my skin. And I don't know how long I can keep fighting it. I already have a feeling at some point, I am going to have to give up.

She has already made it clear that she prefers Kai over me. My blood boils when I think about them being together.

I have been cheated on previously. As much as I don't resent my ex girlfriend for doing it, I still hate the fact that she had cheated on me. Nobody likes to be cheated on. Just break up and leave. It's that easy.

Will Ayla do the same with Kai? Maybe, it's only a matter of time until she really cheats. She did claimed that she would kissed him.

My phone vibrates, pulling me out of my thoughts. I should be working yet here I am, distracted by the thoughts of Ayla.

I get a reminder for a meeting and getting up, I head for the board room. I almost stop at her cabin, but then recall that she must be still sleeping. Or is she already up?

Did she eat?

I will call her later.

I take a seat and focus on the meeting. Minutes later, the door opens. I feel her presence before I see her. My heart skips a beat. How is that possible?

Ayla walks quietly and takes her place three seats away from mine. She murmurs an apology to everyone and the meeting continues.

I should listen to whatever the man infront is saying but I can't.

I can't stop myself from staring at her every now and then. For God's sake! I'm sitting amidst an important meeting right now but I can't concentrate at all. My eyes and mind just keep focusing solely on her.

She's sitting quietly, her eyes concentrating attentively on her papers in her hands. A few dark brown tendrils are framing her face, giving her a cute look.

What's happening to me? Since when do I think about her like that?

I try to listen to the accountant's presentation but fail again. My gaze veers in her direction and this time, she is looking at the him. There's a small frown etch on her forehead as she listens intently. I take in every features of her. So beautiful.

Suddenly, her eyes turn towards me and she gives me a small smile. That's a first. She is giving me her smile. I feel my heart missing a beat again. That's it! I'm in trouble.

"Mr Grey", the accountant says breaking my thoughts away from my wife. "Is there anything wrong with the presentation? You didn't say anything yet."

Damn it, it's already over? How do I tell him that I didn't even hear anything. I am too distracted from a certain someone. This is so embarrassing. I was never like this before. What are you doing to me Ayla?

"Send the file to my office", I order and get up to leave.

My eyes fall on Ayla again and she's staring at me in confusion. Her left eyebrow lifts as she watches me. I walk out quickly and let out a small sigh.

"What's happening to me?", I murmur. I must avoid her. She's disrupting my sanity.

I return back in my office and takes a seat behind my table. I should just concentrate on my work. That's it.

I hear a knock on the door a few seconds later and before I can answer, it opens. I already know who it is and keeps my eyes solely on the file.

"Xander", her soft voice calls out. "Are you okay? You were looking lost in the meeting."

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