Chapter 21

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It's already been two weeks since the incident with Father and today I finally decide to go to work.

Xander has not said anything yet to me but I know at nights when he thinks that I am already sleeping, he comes to check up on me. The guilt must be rendering him sleepless.

As I had told him, he made sure no one came to see me and he even made sure Emily believed that I was out of town for real. The only person I had been talking often, well more like chatting was Colton. I told him that I was sick and poor man wanted to come and see me. I had to lie to him as well. I just told him that I was staying at my father's place and he was really strict.

Xander made food for us everyday and sometimes, when I didn't even had courage to go in the kitchen, he would bring it upstairs. My apetite has decreased drastically and I can already feel the change in my body. I could barely eat some days. I just slept most of the time.

Luckily, the wounds have healed and the marks have faded so I am back to work again.

I press the buttons as soon as I enter the elevator. Everybody greets and stares at me, no wonder, thinking where I must have been for the past two weeks. Some must be thinking, that I must have been relaxing somewhere but if only they knew.

"Ayla!", Colton gasps as soon as he sees me and envelops me in a tight embrace. "Oh mon dieu! You lost weight. How are you now?"

"I am fine now", I reply and try to calm myself. Colton is not a threat.

"I don't think so honey", he says with concern and runs his eyes on my face. I am almost worried that he may sees the reminiscence of the faded marks. "You don't look okay at all. I think you should have stayed home and rest some more."

"I was bored at home", I pout and hook my arm in his. "Now tell me what did I miss here?"

"Nothing interesting. It's the same old bullshit. But Nina's been hovering in Christian's office more."

"Of course she is", I roll my eyes.

"Will you eat something?", Colton asks. "Or what about a hot drink?"

"A hot drink"

"Great. I'll bring it to your cabin"

"Thank you", I tell him, touch by his concern. Tears well up in my eyes and I try to blink them away.

For some reason, I feel so weak and vulnerable. And in moment like these, whenever someone shows me that they care for me, I usually end up crying.

"Ayla, what's wrong? You look like you're about to cry"

"No silly", I blink. "I feel like sneezing. Now go and bring my hot drink."

"Right away", he kisses my cheek.

When I turn, I close my eyes and take a small deep breath. That was really close. I don't want to be a crybaby here.

I open my eyes and find Xander coming out of his office. He stares at me, probably thinking why even I am back. Because I did told him that I can stop coming to work if he wants it. I hold his gaze for a few beats before entering my cabin.

Thank God, he does not follows me. I turn on the laptop and get to work instantly.

After a while, an uneasy feeling spreads in my chest but ignoring it, I keep on working. I print some important papers and after filing it, I get up.

Walking into Xander's office, I see him speaking on the phone. I place the papers on his desk. He seems to be arguing with someone.

"The papers should have reached Mr Smith by now, Nina! What's the delay?!"

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