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" Hey, H you okay?" She comes around the kitchen counter standing right in front of me. "I'm okay Becks, you don't have to worry." I answer receiving a smile from her. "Where's my baby girl?" A beautiful voice asks belonging to a woman with brown caramel eyes searching for me. When she spots me a big smile graces her face. "Oh, my baby come give mama a hug." I walk up to her and I wrap my hands around her giving me a big mama bear hug. "You okay sweetheart?" She whispers in my ear. I Nod my head. " Come on let's have some cookies." She says turning me around. "Where's Ace?" He went back to work. "Ace needs to know that not everything is about work" Becky sighs. " Baby you know your brother wouldn't have gone back, if it wasn't important." Mama says, I agree nodding my head.

When I got discharged Ace brought me back to his house where his mom, dad and two younger siblings lived. His mom fell in love with me right after she met me. same goes with the rest of the family I wasn't sure at first because of what I endured with my family, But they proved me wrong they we're nothing but sweet,nice and welcoming. Papa looks exactly like his two sons. the older version of them they all have grey stormy eyes,thick black hair and height. But Ace towers over everyone. Reminds me of someone I haven't thought of in a really long time. Becky is the exact replica of  her mama, they have the same shoulder length brown hair, caramel eyes and the same porcelain shaped face. The day i bumped into Ace and Becky was a total coincidence. they we're coming from a friend's place and on the way home they saw the small beautiful restaurant and decided to check it out. If it wasn't for them I seriously don't know what would have happened to me or were I would be right now. These people have been nothing but supporting it's been a dream come true. Within the first two months of living here both Mr and Mrs black told me to call them mama and papa because they see me as their own. They were alot of water works that day.

I spent my day with mama and Becky doing girl stuff. It was really nice and sweet, I know they're just trying to make me feel better by trying to make me forget. All I want is for this day to be done and over with it. "Where's Xavier I didn't see him today." I ask Becky. "I don't know." She shrugs her shoulders. "I'm sure his out with Luke playing around. You know I always told ma and papa that Luke is a bad influence on him." I laugh lightly at what she just said. " Oh, Becs you sure you're not just saying that because you have a little crush on him." Giving her a pointed look. "What! No way" she says in a squeaky little voice she always does when she's lying. "Really" I raise an eyebrow at her." Whatever." She scoffs with an eye roll. " I'm not doing this with you H. I do not have a crush on that lying cheating good for nothing player." She finishes with an angry huff " Now let's drop it." My eyes widen. "Wow, Do I really wanna know?" I ask. "Definitely not" she answers back. "Where's Mama anyway?" I ask her looking around. "Here I am darling sorry I just went upstairs to call your papa." She said."How did you even slip past us without noticing?" I ask her. "I tried to tell you but you were both engrossed with the tv." She rolls her eyes. "Mama can you blame us. Thor is the true definition of a God. " I say with a giggle. " Kids" she mutter's under her breathe.

I get out of the shower wearing a bathrobe. Drying my hair with a towel, My hair has not changed a bit in the last five years it's still the Ashy White. well expect now it's little short. It was really long  it reached the arc connecting to  my butt but since the day of the attack after I got a little bit better, I decided to cut it short now it reaches my mid- back it's  really wavy and soft. I've grown up a lot sine then, My once Pale skin is sporting a good tan due to the California sun, my cheeks are bit rounder than before, my green emerald eyes sparkle with so much light, my boobs have grown I'm a happy C cup and my ass and hips are more curvier. I'm not the same girl I was five years ago and it's all because of Ace and his family. When I'm done blowing drying my hair. I walk into the closet to change into something comfy. "Doll you in here?" A voice yells from the bedroom" I'm in the closet!" I yell back." Hey doll." A deep voice says, I turn and find Ace smiling down at me. I walk up to him standing on my toes giving a quick  kiss on his cheek. And I feel him sniff my hair. "Baby are you sniffing me?" I ask turning to the side so I can see his face. "It's not my fault you so smell nice." He says giving me a cheesy smile. Ace and I have been close ever since the day we met at the hospital. From that very first day I knew I liked him and I know he did too, He never acted on it because I was young it would have been wrong but that never stopped us from being close. You could say we were attached  and everyone in the house is used to it. It's just normal now. He got a little touchy when I turned eighteen two years ago and that's when I started using small endearments. And he was really happy when I started.

"Oh my God. I just can't with you." I say leaving him behind hearing him laugh. " How was work?" I asked." Stressful as usual." He tells me with a long sigh. "Really what happened?" I ask him. "Oh love don't worry it's nothing I can't handle. Stop working up that pretty little head of yours." He says giving the side of my head a kiss. " Ace, you know I don't like it when you don't tell me what's bothering you." I say worriedly. He stops what his doing and sits on the bed. "Baby come here." He calls for  me. When i reach him he pulls me to him. I sit on his lap straddling his hips wrapping  my arms around his neck for support." It's nothing too serious. A certain client just doesn't want to sign a contract that's supposed to renew our partnership." He tells me. " Why?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows together. "He was one of my dad's loyal partners, So his.. I don't know a bit hesitant with trusting me ever since dad announced me as the new CEO. He thinks I can't work hard as much as dad did and probably thinks he made a big mistake with choosing me as the new CEO." He adds. I move my hands from his neck cupping his cheeks and say. "I may not know a thing about business. But all I know is that, That  grumpy old man should not judge you before even knowing what your capable of which is a lot more than he can ever imagine." He gets my right  hand that was on his cheek bringing it to his mouth kissing it. "Thank you doll." He says softly. "And you tell me if his still giving you a hard time. I'll teach him one or two things on why it's a bad idea to mess with the people I love." I tell him with a stern voice. "I'll keep that in mind." He chuckles. " Now come on everyone is waiting for us downstairs I think dinner is ready." He pulls me out of the room.

All done hope you love it guys...💖💖💖💖💖 Don't forget to

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